/* Note: All images in the file is found at http://www.graphviz.org/Gallery/directed/images/ ----------- from Kaarle Kaila: I have implemented Genealogic descendant and ancestor graphs using Graphviz in FinFamily. I have made som description on how to use it with FinFamily at FinFamily wiki-pages at http://www.finfamily.fi/index.php/Handbook I attach a descendant graph from Joseph Patrick Kennedy and an ancestor graph from Caroline Bouvier Kennedy as samples from FinFamily. The file georg.jpg is a descendant graph w/o pictures from an imaginary person Georg af Charlow (who has some common attributes with my father) from my testdatabase like the person Charles Charlow has some resemblance to myself. If you wish to display the attached pictures or wish me to create another ones then feel free to do so. I wish to thank you for Graphviz that let's me create such nice graphs with FinFamily. regards Kaarle Kaila I have this little kennedy database as a sample gedcom file on the download webpage to give international users a few wellknown persons to play with if they wish to try out my software. I originally got it from Michael Kay who is among others Editor at http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt20/. I added the pictures and some data myself. Attached are both the kennedyanc and kennedydesc files as you requested. I made them as zip-files so that they contain both source and destination files. As you email server does not accept zip-files I renamed them to anc.zip ->anc.files and desc.zip to desc.files. Hope these com through your filters. Graphviz dot program is called from within FinFamily with a command line such as: dot -Tjpeg kennedyanc.txt -o kennedyanc.jpg On page http://www.finfamily.fi/index.php/Graphviz is a description on the different colors together with instructions for finFamily users how to create Graphviz reports. Kaarle Kaila Colors and forms symbolize following * Blue box - man * Red ellipse - woman * Blue line - Father/Child relation * Red line - Mother/Child relation * Green line - Spouse relation * Orange line - Ancestors (other) children * Violet line - Ancestors (other) spouse */ /* ancestor graph from Caroline Bouvier Kennedy */ graph G { fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif" node [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"] edge [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"] I5 [shape=ellipse,color=red,style=bold,label="Caroline Bouvier Kennedy\nb. 27.11.1957 New York",image="images/165px-Caroline_Kennedy.jpg",labelloc=b]; I1 [shape=box,color=blue,style=bold,label="John Fitzgerald Kennedy\nb. 29.5.1917 Brookline\nd. 22.11.1963 Dallas",image="images/kennedyface.jpg",labelloc=b]; I6 [shape=box,color=blue,style=bold,label="John Fitzgerald Kennedy\nb. 25.11.1960 Washington\nd. 16.7.1999 over the Atlantic Ocean, near Aquinnah, MA, USA",image="images/180px-JFKJr2.jpg",labelloc=b]; I7 [shape=box,color=blue,style=bold,label="Patrick Bouvier Kennedy\nb. 7.8.1963\nd. 9.8.1963"]; I2 [shape=ellipse,color=red,style=bold,label="Jaqueline Lee Bouvier\nb. 28.7.1929 Southampton\nd. 19.5.1994 New York City",image="images/jacqueline-kennedy-onassis.jpg",labelloc=b]; I8 [shape=box,color=blue,style=bold,label="Joseph Patrick Kennedy\nb. 6.9.1888 East Boston\nd. 16.11.1969 Hyannis Port",image="images/1025901671.jpg",labelloc=b]; I10 [shape=box,color=blue,style=bold,label="Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr\nb. 1915\nd. 1944"]; I11 [shape=ellipse,color=red,style=bold,label="Rosemary Kennedy\nb. 13.9.1918\nd. 7.1.2005",image="images/rosemary.jpg",labelloc=b]; I12 [shape=ellipse,color=red,style=bold,label="Kathleen Kennedy\nb. 1920\nd. 1948"]; I13 [shape=ellipse,color=red,style=bold,label="Eunice Mary Kennedy\nb. 10.7.1921 Brookline"]; I9 [shape=ellipse,color=red,style=bold,label="Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald\nb. 22.7.1890 Boston\nd. 22.1.1995 Hyannis Port",image="images/Rose_kennedy.JPG",labelloc=b]; I15 [shape=box,color=blue,style=bold,label="Aristotle Onassis"]; I3 [shape=box,color=blue,style=bold,label="John Vernou Bouvier III\nb. 1891\nd. 1957",image="images/BE037819.jpg",labelloc=b]; I4 [shape=ellipse,color=red,style=bold,label="Janet Norton Lee\nb. 2.10.1877\nd. 3.1.1968",image="images/n48862003257_1275276_1366.jpg",labelloc=b]; I1 -- I5 [style=bold,color=blue]; I1 -- I6 [style=bold,color=orange]; I2 -- I6 [style=bold,color=orange]; I1 -- I7 [style=bold,color=orange]; I2 -- I7 [style=bold,color=orange]; I1 -- I2 [style=bold,color=violet]; I8 -- I1 [style=bold,color=blue]; I8 -- I10 [style=bold,color=orange]; I9 -- I10 [style=bold,color=orange]; I8 -- I11 [style=bold,color=orange]; I9 -- I11 [style=bold,color=orange]; I8 -- I12 [style=bold,color=orange]; I9 -- I12 [style=bold,color=orange]; I8 -- I13 [style=bold,color=orange]; I9 -- I13 [style=bold,color=orange]; I8 -- I9 [style=bold,color=violet]; I9 -- I1 [style=bold,color=red]; I2 -- I5 [style=bold,color=red]; I2 -- I15 [style=bold,color=violet]; I3 -- I2 [style=bold,color=blue]; I3 -- I4 [style=bold,color=violet]; I4 -- I2 [style=bold,color=red]; }