Graphviz 12.0.1~dev.20240715.2254
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low level cgraph utilities More...

Collaboration diagram for utilities:


file  agerror.c
 API: cgraph.h.
file  agxbuf.h
file  alloc.h
 Memory allocation wrappers that exit on failure.
file  bitarray.h
 API for compacted arrays of booleans.
file  exit.h
file  gv_ctype.h
 replacements for ctype.h functions
file  gv_math.h
 Arithmetic helper functions.
file  list.h
file  mem.c
 API: cgraph.h.
file  overflow.h
 arithmetic overflow helpers
file  prisize_t.h
file  refstr.c
 API: cgraph.h, cghdr.h.
file  sort.h
 qsort with carried along context
file  stack.h
 Implementation of a dynamically expanding stack data structure.
file  startswith.h
file  strcasecmp.h
 platform abstraction for case-insensitive string functions
file  streq.h
file  strview.h
 Non-owning string references.
file  tokenize.h
 String tokenization.
file  unreachable.h
file  unused.h
 abstraction for squashing compiler warnings for unused symbols
file  utils.c
 API cghdr.h.

Detailed Description