Memory allocation wrappers that exit on failure.
static char * gv_strdup(const char *original)
static void * gv_alloc(size_t size)
glCompFont glNewFontFromParent(glCompObj *o, char *text)
void glDeleteFont(glCompFont *f)
void glCompRenderText(glCompFont f, glCompObj *parentObj)
glCompLabel * glCompLabelNew(void *par, char *text)
static void glCompLabelDraw(void *label)
void glCompInitCommon(glCompObj *childObj, glCompObj *parentObj, float x, float y)
void glCompCalcWidget(glCompCommon *parent, glCompCommon *child, glCompCommon *ref)
static int label(Agnode_t *n, int nodecnt, int *edgecnt)
glCompCallBacks functions
glCompFont font
font to use