Graphviz 12.0.1~dev.20240715.2254
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low level utilities for layout engines and rendering More...

Collaboration diagram for utilities:


file  args.c
file  boxes.h
file  colorprocs.h
file  colxlate.c
 API colorprocs.h.
file  const.h
file  entities.h
file  geom.c
file  geom.h
 geometric types and macros (e.g. points and boxes)
file  geomprocs.h
 geometric functions (e.g. on points and boxes)
file  globals.h
file  htmllex.c
file  htmllex.h
file  htmlparse.y
file  intset.c
file  intset.h
file  macros.h
file  pointset.c
file  pointset.h
 point containers PointSet and PointMap
file  ps_font_equiv.h
file  timing.c
file  utils.c
file  utils.h
file  xml.c

Detailed Description