Graphviz 13.0.0~dev.20250210.0415
No Matches
gv_ruby.cpp File Reference
#include <string.h>
#include <ruby.h>
#include <ruby/version.h>
#include <st.h>
#include "assert.h"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <gvc/gvc.h>
Include dependency graph for gv_ruby.cpp:

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Data Structures

struct  swig_type_info
struct  swig_cast_info
struct  swig_module_info
struct  swig_class
struct  swig_ruby_owntype


#define SWIG_VERSION   0x040200
#define SWIGRUBY
#define SWIG_BUFFER_SIZE   1024
#define SWIG_CAST_NEW_MEMORY   0x2
#define SWIG_POINTER_NO_NULL   0x4
#define SWIG_POINTER_CLEAR   0x8
#define SWIG_POINTER_OWN   0x1
#define SWIG_OK   (0)
#define SWIG_ERROR   (-1)
#define SWIG_IsOK(r)   (r >= 0)
#define SWIG_ArgError(r)   ((r != SWIG_ERROR) ? r : SWIG_TypeError)
#define SWIG_CASTRANKLIMIT   (1 << 8)
#define SWIG_AddNewMask(r)   (SWIG_IsOK(r) ? (r | SWIG_NEWOBJMASK) : r)
#define SWIG_DelNewMask(r)   (SWIG_IsOK(r) ? (r & ~SWIG_NEWOBJMASK) : r)
#define SWIG_IsNewObj(r)   (SWIG_IsOK(r) && (r & SWIG_NEWOBJMASK))
#define SWIG_AddTmpMask(r)   (SWIG_IsOK(r) ? (r | SWIG_TMPOBJMASK) : r)
#define SWIG_DelTmpMask(r)   (SWIG_IsOK(r) ? (r & ~SWIG_TMPOBJMASK) : r)
#define SWIG_IsTmpObj(r)   (SWIG_IsOK(r) && (r & SWIG_TMPOBJMASK))
#define SWIG_AddCast(r)   (r)
#define SWIG_CheckState(r)   (SWIG_IsOK(r) ? 1 : 0)
#define SWIG_snprintf(O, S, F, A)   sprintf(O,F,A)
#define SWIG_snprintf2(O, S, F, A, B)   sprintf(O,F,A,B)
#define SWIG_UnknownError   -1
#define SWIG_IOError   -2
#define SWIG_RuntimeError   -3
#define SWIG_IndexError   -4
#define SWIG_TypeError   -5
#define SWIG_DivisionByZero   -6
#define SWIG_OverflowError   -7
#define SWIG_SyntaxError   -8
#define SWIG_ValueError   -9
#define SWIG_SystemError   -10
#define SWIG_AttributeError   -11
#define SWIG_MemoryError   -12
#define SWIG_NullReferenceError   -13
#define NUM2LL(x)   NUM2LONG((x))
#define LL2NUM(x)   INT2NUM((long) (x))
#define ULL2NUM(x)   UINT2NUM((unsigned long) (x))
#define NUM2ULL(x)   NUM2ULONG(x)
#define RSTRING_LEN(x)   RSTRING(x)->len
#define RSTRING_PTR(x)   RSTRING(x)->ptr
#define RARRAY_LEN(x)   RARRAY(x)->len
#define RARRAY_PTR(x)   RARRAY(x)->ptr
#define RFLOAT_VALUE(x)   RFLOAT(x)->value
#define DOUBLE2NUM(x)   rb_float_new(x)
#define RHASH_TBL(x)   (RHASH(x)->tbl)
#define RHASH_ITER_LEV(x)   (RHASH(x)->iter_lev)
#define RHASH_IFNONE(x)   (RHASH(x)->ifnone)
#define RHASH_SIZE(x)   (RHASH(x)->tbl->num_entries)
#define RHASH_EMPTY_P(x)   (RHASH_SIZE(x) == 0)
#define RSTRUCT_LEN(x)   RSTRUCT(x)->len
#define RSTRUCT_PTR(x)   RSTRUCT(x)->ptr
#define RTYPEDDATA_P(x)   (TYPE(x) != T_DATA)
#define PROTECTFUNC(f)   (f)
#define VALUEFUNC(f)   (f)
#define VOIDFUNC(f)   (f)
#define RB_STRING_VALUE(s)   (TYPE(s) == T_STRING ? (s) : (*(volatile VALUE *)&(s) = rb_str_to_str(s)))
#define StringValue(s)   RB_STRING_VALUE(s)
#define StringValuePtr(s)   RSTRING_PTR(RB_STRING_VALUE(s))
#define StringValueLen(s)   RSTRING_LEN(RB_STRING_VALUE(s))
#define SafeStringValue(v)
#define rb_define_alloc_func(klass, func)   rb_define_singleton_method((klass), "new", VALUEFUNC((func)), -1)
#define rb_undef_alloc_func(klass)   rb_undef_method(CLASS_OF((klass)), "new")
#define SWIG_ObjectPreviouslyDeletedError   -100
#define SWIG2NUM(v)   LONG2NUM((unsigned long)v)
#define NUM2SWIG(x)   (unsigned long)NUM2LONG(x)
#define SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj, pptr, type, flags)   SWIG_Ruby_ConvertPtrAndOwn(obj, pptr, type, flags, 0)
#define SWIG_ConvertPtrAndOwn(obj, pptr, type, flags, own)   SWIG_Ruby_ConvertPtrAndOwn(obj, pptr, type, flags, own)
#define SWIG_NewPointerObj(ptr, type, flags)   SWIG_Ruby_NewPointerObj(ptr, type, flags)
#define SWIG_AcquirePtr(ptr, own)   SWIG_Ruby_AcquirePtr(ptr, own)
#define swig_owntype   swig_ruby_owntype
#define SWIG_ConvertPacked(obj, ptr, sz, ty)   SWIG_Ruby_ConvertPacked(obj, ptr, sz, ty, flags)
#define SWIG_NewPackedObj(ptr, sz, type)   SWIG_Ruby_NewPackedObj(ptr, sz, type)
#define SWIG_ConvertInstance(obj, pptr, type, flags)   SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj, pptr, type, flags)
#define SWIG_NewInstanceObj(ptr, type, flags)   SWIG_NewPointerObj(ptr, type, flags)
#define SWIG_ConvertFunctionPtr(obj, pptr, type)   SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj, pptr, type, 0)
#define SWIG_NewFunctionPtrObj(ptr, type)   SWIG_NewPointerObj(ptr, type, 0)
#define SWIG_ConvertMember(obj, ptr, sz, ty)   SWIG_Ruby_ConvertPacked(obj, ptr, sz, ty)
#define SWIG_NewMemberObj(ptr, sz, type)   SWIG_Ruby_NewPackedObj(ptr, sz, type)
#define SWIG_GetModule(clientdata)   SWIG_Ruby_GetModule(clientdata)
#define SWIG_SetModule(clientdata, pointer)   SWIG_Ruby_SetModule(pointer)
#define SWIG_ErrorType(code)   SWIG_Ruby_ErrorType(code)
#define SWIG_Error(code, msg)   rb_raise(SWIG_Ruby_ErrorType(code), "%s", msg)
#define SWIG_fail   goto fail
#define SWIG_InitRuntime()   SWIG_Ruby_InitRuntime()
#define SWIG_define_class(ty)   SWIG_Ruby_define_class(ty)
#define SWIG_NewClassInstance(value, ty)   SWIG_Ruby_NewClassInstance(value, ty)
#define SWIG_MangleStr(value)   SWIG_Ruby_MangleStr(value)
#define SWIG_CheckConvert(value, ty)   SWIG_Ruby_CheckConvert(value, ty)
#define Ruby_DirectorTypeMismatchException(x)    throw Swig::DirectorTypeMismatchException( x );
#define SWIG_exception_fail(code, msg)   do { SWIG_Error(code, msg); SWIG_fail; } while(0)
#define SWIG_contract_assert(expr, msg)   do { if (!(expr)) { SWIG_Error(SWIG_RuntimeError, msg); SWIG_fail; } } while (0)
#define SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t   swig_types[0]
#define SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t   swig_types[1]
#define SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t   swig_types[2]
#define SWIGTYPE_p_Agsym_t   swig_types[3]
#define SWIGTYPE_p_FILE   swig_types[4]
#define SWIGTYPE_p_char   swig_types[5]
#define SWIG_TypeQuery(name)   SWIG_TypeQueryModule(&swig_module, &swig_module, name)
#define SWIG_MangledTypeQuery(name)   SWIG_MangledTypeQueryModule(&swig_module, &swig_module, name)
#define SWIG_init   Init_gv
#define SWIG_name   "Gv"
#define SWIG_as_voidptr(a)   const_cast< void * >(static_cast< const void * >(a))
#define SWIG_as_voidptrptr(a)   ((void)SWIG_as_voidptr(*a),reinterpret_cast< void** >(a))


typedef void *(* swig_converter_func) (void *, int *)
typedef struct swig_type_info *(* swig_dycast_func) (void **)
typedef struct swig_type_info swig_type_info
typedef struct swig_cast_info swig_cast_info
typedef struct swig_module_info swig_module_info


SWIGRUNTIME int SWIG_TypeNameComp (const char *f1, const char *l1, const char *f2, const char *l2)
SWIGRUNTIME int SWIG_TypeCmp (const char *nb, const char *tb)
SWIGRUNTIME int SWIG_TypeEquiv (const char *nb, const char *tb)
SWIGRUNTIME swig_cast_infoSWIG_TypeCheck (const char *c, swig_type_info *ty)
SWIGRUNTIME swig_cast_infoSWIG_TypeCheckStruct (const swig_type_info *from, swig_type_info *ty)
SWIGRUNTIMEINLINE void * SWIG_TypeCast (swig_cast_info *ty, void *ptr, int *newmemory)
SWIGRUNTIME swig_type_infoSWIG_TypeDynamicCast (swig_type_info *ty, void **ptr)
SWIGRUNTIMEINLINE const char * SWIG_TypeName (const swig_type_info *ty)
SWIGRUNTIME const char * SWIG_TypePrettyName (const swig_type_info *type)
SWIGRUNTIME void SWIG_TypeClientData (swig_type_info *ti, void *clientdata)
SWIGRUNTIME void SWIG_TypeNewClientData (swig_type_info *ti, void *clientdata)
SWIGRUNTIME swig_type_infoSWIG_MangledTypeQueryModule (swig_module_info *start, swig_module_info *end, const char *name)
SWIGRUNTIME swig_type_infoSWIG_TypeQueryModule (swig_module_info *start, swig_module_info *end, const char *name)
SWIGRUNTIME char * SWIG_PackData (char *c, void *ptr, size_t sz)
SWIGRUNTIME const char * SWIG_UnpackData (const char *c, void *ptr, size_t sz)
SWIGRUNTIME char * SWIG_PackVoidPtr (char *buff, void *ptr, const char *name, size_t bsz)
SWIGRUNTIME const char * SWIG_UnpackVoidPtr (const char *c, void **ptr, const char *name)
SWIGRUNTIME char * SWIG_PackDataName (char *buff, void *ptr, size_t sz, const char *name, size_t bsz)
SWIGRUNTIME const char * SWIG_UnpackDataName (const char *c, void *ptr, size_t sz, const char *name)
SWIGINTERN VALUE getNullReferenceError (void)
SWIGINTERN VALUE getObjectPreviouslyDeletedError (void)
SWIGINTERN VALUE SWIG_Ruby_ErrorType (int SWIG_code)
SWIGINTERN const char * Ruby_Format_TypeError (const char *msg, const char *type, const char *name, const int argn, VALUE input)
SWIGINTERN void Ruby_Format_OverloadedError (const int argc, const int maxargs, const char *method, const char *prototypes)
static VALUE swig_ruby_trackings_count (ID id, VALUE *var)
SWIGRUNTIME void SWIG_RubyInitializeTrackings (void)
SWIGRUNTIME void SWIG_RubyAddTracking (void *ptr, VALUE object)
SWIGRUNTIME VALUE SWIG_RubyInstanceFor (void *ptr)
SWIGRUNTIME void SWIG_RubyRemoveTracking (void *ptr)
SWIGRUNTIME void SWIG_RubyUnlinkObjects (void *ptr)
static int swig_ruby_internal_iterate_callback (st_data_t ptr, st_data_t obj, st_data_t meth)
SWIGRUNTIME void SWIG_RubyIterateTrackings (void(*meth)(void *ptr, VALUE obj))
RUBY_EXTERN void Init_stack (VALUE *addr)
SWIGRUNTIME VALUE getExceptionClass (void)
SWIGRUNTIME VALUE SWIG_Ruby_ExceptionType (swig_type_info *desc, VALUE obj)
SWIGRUNTIME void SWIG_Ruby_InitRuntime (void)
SWIGRUNTIME void SWIG_Ruby_define_class (swig_type_info *type)
SWIGRUNTIME VALUE SWIG_Ruby_NewPointerObj (void *ptr, swig_type_info *type, int flags)
SWIGRUNTIME VALUE SWIG_Ruby_NewClassInstance (VALUE klass, swig_type_info *type)
SWIGRUNTIME swig_ruby_owntype SWIG_Ruby_AcquirePtr (VALUE obj, swig_ruby_owntype own)
SWIGRUNTIME int SWIG_Ruby_ConvertPtrAndOwn (VALUE obj, void **ptr, swig_type_info *ty, int flags, swig_ruby_owntype *own)
SWIGRUNTIMEINLINE int SWIG_Ruby_CheckConvert (VALUE obj, swig_type_info *ty)
SWIGRUNTIME VALUE SWIG_Ruby_NewPackedObj (void *ptr, int sz, swig_type_info *type)
SWIGRUNTIME int SWIG_Ruby_ConvertPacked (VALUE obj, void *ptr, int sz, swig_type_info *ty)
SWIGRUNTIME swig_module_infoSWIG_Ruby_GetModule (void *SWIGUNUSEDPARM(clientdata))
SWIGRUNTIME void SWIG_Ruby_SetModule (swig_module_info *pointer)
SWIGINTERN int SWIG_Ruby_isCallable (VALUE proc)
SWIGINTERN int SWIG_Ruby_arity (VALUE proc, int minimal)
Agraph_tgraph (char *name)
Agraph_tdigraph (char *name)
Agraph_tstrictgraph (char *name)
Agraph_tstrictdigraph (char *name)
Agraph_treadstring (char *string)
Agraph_tread (const char *filename)
Agraph_tread (FILE *f)
Agraph_tgraph (Agraph_t *g, char *name)
Agnode_tnode (Agraph_t *g, char *name)
Agedge_tedge (Agnode_t *t, Agnode_t *h)
Agedge_tedge (Agnode_t *t, char *hname)
Agedge_tedge (char *tname, Agnode_t *h)
Agedge_tedge (Agraph_t *g, char *tname, char *hname)
char * setv (Agraph_t *g, char *attr, char *val)
char * setv (Agnode_t *n, char *attr, char *val)
char * setv (Agedge_t *e, char *attr, char *val)
char * setv (Agraph_t *g, Agsym_t *a, char *val)
char * setv (Agnode_t *n, Agsym_t *a, char *val)
char * setv (Agedge_t *e, Agsym_t *a, char *val)
char * getv (Agraph_t *g, char *attr)
char * getv (Agnode_t *n, char *attr)
char * getv (Agedge_t *e, char *attr)
char * getv (Agraph_t *g, Agsym_t *a)
char * getv (Agnode_t *n, Agsym_t *a)
char * getv (Agedge_t *e, Agsym_t *a)
char * nameof (Agraph_t *g)
char * nameof (Agnode_t *n)
char * nameof (Agsym_t *a)
Agraph_tfindsubg (Agraph_t *g, char *name)
Agnode_tfindnode (Agraph_t *g, char *name)
Agedge_tfindedge (Agnode_t *t, Agnode_t *h)
Agsym_tfindattr (Agraph_t *g, char *name)
Agsym_tfindattr (Agnode_t *n, char *name)
Agsym_tfindattr (Agedge_t *e, char *name)
Agnode_theadof (Agedge_t *e)
Agnode_ttailof (Agedge_t *e)
Agraph_tgraphof (Agraph_t *g)
Agraph_tgraphof (Agedge_t *e)
Agraph_tgraphof (Agnode_t *n)
Agraph_trootof (Agraph_t *g)
Agnode_tprotonode (Agraph_t *g)
Agedge_tprotoedge (Agraph_t *g)
bool ok (Agraph_t *g)
bool ok (Agnode_t *n)
bool ok (Agedge_t *e)
bool ok (Agsym_t *a)
Agraph_tfirstsubg (Agraph_t *g)
Agraph_tnextsubg (Agraph_t *g, Agraph_t *sg)
Agraph_tfirstsupg (Agraph_t *g)
Agraph_tnextsupg (Agraph_t *g, Agraph_t *sg)
Agedge_tfirstedge (Agraph_t *g)
Agedge_tnextedge (Agraph_t *g, Agedge_t *e)
Agedge_tfirstout (Agraph_t *g)
Agedge_tnextout (Agraph_t *g, Agedge_t *e)
Agedge_tfirstedge (Agnode_t *n)
Agedge_tnextedge (Agnode_t *n, Agedge_t *e)
Agedge_tfirstout (Agnode_t *n)
Agedge_tnextout (Agnode_t *n, Agedge_t *e)
Agnode_tfirsthead (Agnode_t *n)
Agnode_tnexthead (Agnode_t *n, Agnode_t *h)
Agedge_tfirstin (Agraph_t *g)
Agedge_tnextin (Agnode_t *n, Agedge_t *e)
Agedge_tfirstin (Agnode_t *n)
Agedge_tnextin (Agraph_t *g, Agedge_t *e)
Agnode_tfirsttail (Agnode_t *n)
Agnode_tnexttail (Agnode_t *n, Agnode_t *t)
Agnode_tfirstnode (Agraph_t *g)
Agnode_tnextnode (Agraph_t *g, Agnode_t *n)
Agnode_tfirstnode (Agedge_t *e)
Agnode_tnextnode (Agedge_t *e, Agnode_t *n)
Agsym_tfirstattr (Agraph_t *g)
Agsym_tnextattr (Agraph_t *g, Agsym_t *a)
Agsym_tfirstattr (Agedge_t *e)
Agsym_tnextattr (Agedge_t *e, Agsym_t *a)
Agsym_tfirstattr (Agnode_t *n)
Agsym_tnextattr (Agnode_t *n, Agsym_t *a)
bool rm (Agraph_t *g)
bool rm (Agnode_t *n)
bool rm (Agedge_t *e)
bool layout (Agraph_t *g, const char *engine)
bool render (Agraph_t *g)
bool render (Agraph_t *g, const char *format)
bool render (Agraph_t *g, const char *format, FILE *fout)
bool render (Agraph_t *g, const char *format, const char *filename)
void renderresult (Agraph_t *g, const char *format, char *outdata)
bool renderchannel (Agraph_t *g, const char *format, const char *channelname)
char * renderdata (Agraph_t *g, const char *format)
bool write (Agraph_t *g, const char *filename)
bool write (Agraph_t *g, FILE *f)
bool tred (Agraph_t *g)
SWIGINTERN swig_type_infoSWIG_pchar_descriptor (void)
SWIGINTERN int SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize (VALUE obj, char **cptr, size_t *psize, int *alloc)
SWIGINTERNINLINE VALUE SWIG_FromCharPtrAndSize (const char *carray, size_t size)
SWIGINTERNINLINE VALUE SWIG_FromCharPtr (const char *cptr)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_graph__SWIG_0 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_digraph (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_strictgraph (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_strictdigraph (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_readstring (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_read__SWIG_0 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_read__SWIG_1 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_read (int nargs, VALUE *args, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_graph__SWIG_1 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_graph (int nargs, VALUE *args, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_node (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_edge__SWIG_0 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_edge__SWIG_1 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_edge__SWIG_2 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_edge__SWIG_3 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_edge (int nargs, VALUE *args, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_setv__SWIG_0 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_setv__SWIG_1 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_setv__SWIG_2 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_setv__SWIG_3 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_setv__SWIG_4 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_setv__SWIG_5 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_setv (int nargs, VALUE *args, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_getv__SWIG_0 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_getv__SWIG_1 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_getv__SWIG_2 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_getv__SWIG_3 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_getv__SWIG_4 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_getv__SWIG_5 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_getv (int nargs, VALUE *args, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nameof__SWIG_0 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nameof__SWIG_1 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nameof__SWIG_2 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nameof (int nargs, VALUE *args, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_findsubg (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_findnode (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_findedge (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_findattr__SWIG_0 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_findattr__SWIG_1 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_findattr__SWIG_2 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_findattr (int nargs, VALUE *args, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_headof (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_tailof (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_graphof__SWIG_0 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_graphof__SWIG_1 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_graphof__SWIG_2 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_graphof (int nargs, VALUE *args, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_rootof (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_protonode (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_protoedge (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_ok__SWIG_0 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_ok__SWIG_1 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_ok__SWIG_2 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_ok__SWIG_3 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_ok (int nargs, VALUE *args, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstsubg (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextsubg (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstsupg (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextsupg (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstedge__SWIG_0 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextedge__SWIG_0 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstout__SWIG_0 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextout__SWIG_0 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstedge__SWIG_1 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstedge (int nargs, VALUE *args, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextedge__SWIG_1 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextedge (int nargs, VALUE *args, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstout__SWIG_1 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstout (int nargs, VALUE *args, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextout__SWIG_1 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextout (int nargs, VALUE *args, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firsthead (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nexthead (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstin__SWIG_0 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextin__SWIG_0 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstin__SWIG_1 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstin (int nargs, VALUE *args, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextin__SWIG_1 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextin (int nargs, VALUE *args, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firsttail (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nexttail (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstnode__SWIG_0 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextnode__SWIG_0 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstnode__SWIG_1 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstnode (int nargs, VALUE *args, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextnode__SWIG_1 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextnode (int nargs, VALUE *args, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstattr__SWIG_0 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextattr__SWIG_0 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstattr__SWIG_1 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextattr__SWIG_1 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstattr__SWIG_2 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstattr (int nargs, VALUE *args, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextattr__SWIG_2 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextattr (int nargs, VALUE *args, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_rm__SWIG_0 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_rm__SWIG_1 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_rm__SWIG_2 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_rm (int nargs, VALUE *args, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_layout (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_render__SWIG_0 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_render__SWIG_1 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_render__SWIG_2 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_render__SWIG_3 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_render (int nargs, VALUE *args, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_renderresult (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_renderchannel (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_renderdata (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_write__SWIG_0 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_write__SWIG_1 (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_write (int nargs, VALUE *args, VALUE self)
SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_tred (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
SWIGRUNTIME void SWIG_InitializeModule (SWIG_INIT_CLIENT_DATA_TYPE clientdata)
SWIGRUNTIME void SWIG_PropagateClientData (void)
SWIGEXPORT void Init_gv (void)


static VALUE _mSWIG = Qnil
static st_table * swig_ruby_trackings = NULL
static VALUE _cSWIG_Pointer = Qnil
static VALUE swig_runtime_data_type_pointer = Qnil
static ID swig_arity_id = 0
static ID swig_call_id = 0
static ID swig_lowerthan_id = 0
static swig_type_infoswig_types [7]
static swig_module_info swig_module = {swig_types, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0}
static VALUE mGv
static swig_type_info _swigt__p_Agedge_t = {"_p_Agedge_t", "Agedge_t *", 0, 0, (void*)0, 0}
static swig_type_info _swigt__p_Agnode_t = {"_p_Agnode_t", "Agnode_t *", 0, 0, (void*)0, 0}
static swig_type_info _swigt__p_Agraph_t = {"_p_Agraph_t", "Agraph_t *", 0, 0, (void*)0, 0}
static swig_type_info _swigt__p_Agsym_t = {"_p_Agsym_t", "Agsym_t *", 0, 0, (void*)0, 0}
static swig_type_info _swigt__p_FILE = {"_p_FILE", "FILE *", 0, 0, (void*)0, 0}
static swig_type_info _swigt__p_char = {"_p_char", "char *", 0, 0, (void*)0, 0}
static swig_type_infoswig_type_initial []
static swig_cast_info _swigc__p_Agedge_t [] = { {&_swigt__p_Agedge_t, 0, 0, 0},{0, 0, 0, 0}}
static swig_cast_info _swigc__p_Agnode_t [] = { {&_swigt__p_Agnode_t, 0, 0, 0},{0, 0, 0, 0}}
static swig_cast_info _swigc__p_Agraph_t [] = { {&_swigt__p_Agraph_t, 0, 0, 0},{0, 0, 0, 0}}
static swig_cast_info _swigc__p_Agsym_t [] = { {&_swigt__p_Agsym_t, 0, 0, 0},{0, 0, 0, 0}}
static swig_cast_info _swigc__p_FILE [] = { {&_swigt__p_FILE, 0, 0, 0},{0, 0, 0, 0}}
static swig_cast_info _swigc__p_char [] = { {&_swigt__p_char, 0, 0, 0},{0, 0, 0, 0}}
static swig_cast_infoswig_cast_initial []

Macro Definition Documentation


#define DOUBLE2NUM (   x)    rb_float_new(x)

Definition at line 976 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define LL2NUM (   x)    INT2NUM((long) (x))

Definition at line 940 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define NUM2LL (   x)    NUM2LONG((x))

Definition at line 937 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define NUM2SWIG (   x)    (unsigned long)NUM2LONG(x)

Definition at line 1251 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define NUM2ULL (   x)    NUM2ULONG(x)

Definition at line 951 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define PROTECTFUNC (   f)    (f)

Definition at line 1041 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define RARRAY_LEN (   x)    RARRAY(x)->len

Definition at line 967 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define RARRAY_PTR (   x)    RARRAY(x)->ptr

Definition at line 970 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ rb_define_alloc_func

#define rb_define_alloc_func (   klass,
)    rb_define_singleton_method((klass), "new", VALUEFUNC((func)), -1)

Definition at line 1069 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define RB_STRING_VALUE (   s)    (TYPE(s) == T_STRING ? (s) : (*(volatile VALUE *)&(s) = rb_str_to_str(s)))

Definition at line 1050 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ rb_undef_alloc_func

#define rb_undef_alloc_func (   klass)    rb_undef_method(CLASS_OF((klass)), "new")

Definition at line 1070 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define RFLOAT_VALUE (   x)    RFLOAT(x)->value

Definition at line 973 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define RHASH_EMPTY_P (   x)    (RHASH_SIZE(x) == 0)

Definition at line 991 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define RHASH_IFNONE (   x)    (RHASH(x)->ifnone)

Definition at line 985 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define RHASH_ITER_LEV (   x)    (RHASH(x)->iter_lev)

Definition at line 982 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define RHASH_SIZE (   x)    (RHASH(x)->tbl->num_entries)

Definition at line 988 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define RHASH_TBL (   x)    (RHASH(x)->tbl)

Definition at line 979 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define RSTRING_END (   x)    (RSTRING_PTR(x) + RSTRING_LEN(x))

Definition at line 964 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define RSTRING_LEN (   x)    RSTRING(x)->len

Definition at line 958 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define RSTRING_PTR (   x)    RSTRING(x)->ptr

Definition at line 961 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define RSTRUCT_LEN (   x)    RSTRUCT(x)->len

Definition at line 994 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define RSTRUCT_PTR (   x)    RSTRUCT(x)->ptr

Definition at line 997 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define RTYPEDDATA_P (   x)    (TYPE(x) != T_DATA)

Definition at line 1000 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ Ruby_DirectorTypeMismatchException

#define Ruby_DirectorTypeMismatchException (   x)     throw Swig::DirectorTypeMismatchException( x );

Definition at line 1512 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


VALUE variable_in_this_stack_frame; \

Definition at line 1393 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SafeStringValue

#define SafeStringValue (   v)
do {\
} while (0)

Definition at line 1062 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ StringValue

#define StringValue (   s)    RB_STRING_VALUE(s)

Definition at line 1053 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ StringValueLen

#define StringValueLen (   s)    RSTRING_LEN(RB_STRING_VALUE(s))

Definition at line 1059 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ StringValuePtr

#define StringValuePtr (   s)    RSTRING_PTR(RB_STRING_VALUE(s))

Definition at line 1056 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define SWIG2NUM (   v)    LONG2NUM((unsigned long)v)

Definition at line 1250 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_AcquirePtr

#define SWIG_AcquirePtr (   ptr,
)    SWIG_Ruby_AcquirePtr(ptr, own)

Definition at line 1419 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_AddCast

#define SWIG_AddCast (   r)    (r)

Definition at line 452 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_AddNewMask

#define SWIG_AddNewMask (   r)    (SWIG_IsOK(r) ? (r | SWIG_NEWOBJMASK) : r)

Definition at line 428 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_AddTmpMask

#define SWIG_AddTmpMask (   r)    (SWIG_IsOK(r) ? (r | SWIG_TMPOBJMASK) : r)

Definition at line 431 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_ArgError

#define SWIG_ArgError (   r)    ((r != SWIG_ERROR) ? r : SWIG_TypeError)

Definition at line 414 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_as_voidptr

#define SWIG_as_voidptr (   a)    const_cast< void * >(static_cast< const void * >(a))

Definition at line 1957 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_as_voidptrptr

#define SWIG_as_voidptrptr (   a)    ((void)SWIG_as_voidptr(*a),reinterpret_cast< void** >(a))

Definition at line 1958 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_AttributeError

#define SWIG_AttributeError   -11

Definition at line 883 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 423 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define SWIG_BUFFER_SIZE   1024

Definition at line 312 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define SWIG_CAST_NEW_MEMORY   0x2

Definition at line 317 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define SWIG_CASTRANKLIMIT   (1 << 8)

Definition at line 417 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_CheckConvert

#define SWIG_CheckConvert (   value,
)    SWIG_Ruby_CheckConvert(value, ty)

Definition at line 1458 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_CheckState

#define SWIG_CheckState (   r)    (SWIG_IsOK(r) ? 1 : 0)

Definition at line 453 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_contract_assert

#define SWIG_contract_assert (   expr,
)    do { if (!(expr)) { SWIG_Error(SWIG_RuntimeError, msg); SWIG_fail; } } while (0)

Definition at line 1881 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_ConvertFunctionPtr

#define SWIG_ConvertFunctionPtr (   obj,
)    SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj, pptr, type, 0)

Definition at line 1431 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_ConvertInstance

#define SWIG_ConvertInstance (   obj,
)    SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj, pptr, type, flags)

Definition at line 1427 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_ConvertMember

#define SWIG_ConvertMember (   obj,
)    SWIG_Ruby_ConvertPacked(obj, ptr, sz, ty)

Definition at line 1435 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_ConvertPacked

#define SWIG_ConvertPacked (   obj,
)    SWIG_Ruby_ConvertPacked(obj, ptr, sz, ty, flags)

Definition at line 1423 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_ConvertPtr

#define SWIG_ConvertPtr (   obj,
)    SWIG_Ruby_ConvertPtrAndOwn(obj, pptr, type, flags, 0)

Definition at line 1416 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_ConvertPtrAndOwn

#define SWIG_ConvertPtrAndOwn (   obj,
)    SWIG_Ruby_ConvertPtrAndOwn(obj, pptr, type, flags, own)

Definition at line 1417 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_define_class

#define SWIG_define_class (   ty)    SWIG_Ruby_define_class(ty)

Definition at line 1455 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_DelNewMask

#define SWIG_DelNewMask (   r)    (SWIG_IsOK(r) ? (r & ~SWIG_NEWOBJMASK) : r)

Definition at line 429 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_DelTmpMask

#define SWIG_DelTmpMask (   r)    (SWIG_IsOK(r) ? (r & ~SWIG_TMPOBJMASK) : r)

Definition at line 432 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_DivisionByZero

#define SWIG_DivisionByZero   -6

Definition at line 878 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define SWIG_ERROR   (-1)

Definition at line 407 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_Error

#define SWIG_Error (   code,
)    rb_raise(SWIG_Ruby_ErrorType(code), "%s", msg)

Definition at line 1448 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 411 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_ErrorType

#define SWIG_ErrorType (   code)    SWIG_Ruby_ErrorType(code)

Definition at line 1447 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_exception_fail

#define SWIG_exception_fail (   code,
)    do { SWIG_Error(code, msg); SWIG_fail; } while(0)

Definition at line 1879 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_fail

#define SWIG_fail   goto fail

Definition at line 1449 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_GetModule

#define SWIG_GetModule (   clientdata)    SWIG_Ruby_GetModule(clientdata)

Definition at line 1441 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_IndexError

#define SWIG_IndexError   -4

Definition at line 876 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_init

#define SWIG_init (   void)    Init_gv

Definition at line 1900 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 6303 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 1510 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_InitRuntime

#define SWIG_InitRuntime ( )    SWIG_Ruby_InitRuntime()

Definition at line 1454 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_IOError

#define SWIG_IOError   -2

Definition at line 874 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_IsNewObj

#define SWIG_IsNewObj (   r)    (SWIG_IsOK(r) && (r & SWIG_NEWOBJMASK))

Definition at line 430 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define SWIG_IsOK (   r)    (r >= 0)

Definition at line 413 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_IsTmpObj

#define SWIG_IsTmpObj (   r)    (SWIG_IsOK(r) && (r & SWIG_TMPOBJMASK))

Definition at line 433 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_MangledTypeQuery

#define SWIG_MangledTypeQuery (   name)    SWIG_MangledTypeQueryModule(&swig_module, &swig_module, name)

Definition at line 1896 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_MangleStr

#define SWIG_MangleStr (   value)    SWIG_Ruby_MangleStr(value)

Definition at line 1457 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_MemoryError

#define SWIG_MemoryError   -12

Definition at line 884 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_name

#define SWIG_name   "Gv"

Definition at line 1901 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_NewClassInstance

#define SWIG_NewClassInstance (   value,
)    SWIG_Ruby_NewClassInstance(value, ty)

Definition at line 1456 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_NewFunctionPtrObj

#define SWIG_NewFunctionPtrObj (   ptr,
)    SWIG_NewPointerObj(ptr, type, 0)

Definition at line 1432 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_NewInstanceObj

#define SWIG_NewInstanceObj (   ptr,
)    SWIG_NewPointerObj(ptr, type, flags)

Definition at line 1428 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_NewMemberObj

#define SWIG_NewMemberObj (   ptr,
)    SWIG_Ruby_NewPackedObj(ptr, sz, type)

Definition at line 1436 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 425 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 419 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_NewPackedObj

#define SWIG_NewPackedObj (   ptr,
)    SWIG_Ruby_NewPackedObj(ptr, sz, type)

Definition at line 1424 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_NewPointerObj

#define SWIG_NewPointerObj (   ptr,
)    SWIG_Ruby_NewPointerObj(ptr, type, flags)

Definition at line 1418 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 140 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 140 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_NullReferenceError

#define SWIG_NullReferenceError   -13

Definition at line 885 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_ObjectPreviouslyDeletedError

#define SWIG_ObjectPreviouslyDeletedError   -100

Definition at line 1081 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define SWIG_OK   (0)

Definition at line 405 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 424 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_OverflowError

#define SWIG_OverflowError   -7

Definition at line 879 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ swig_owntype

#define swig_owntype   swig_ruby_owntype

Definition at line 1420 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define SWIG_POINTER_CLEAR   0x8

Definition at line 319 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 316 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 1413 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define SWIG_POINTER_NO_NULL   0x4

Definition at line 318 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define SWIG_POINTER_OWN   0x1

Definition at line 323 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 320 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 1511 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define SWIG_RUBY_INT_ANYARGS_FUNC (   f)    (f)

Definition at line 1045 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 1953 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 1954 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define SWIG_RUBY_VOID_ANYARGS_FUNC (   f)    (f)

Definition at line 1044 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 282 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_RuntimeError

#define SWIG_RuntimeError   -3

Definition at line 875 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_SetModule

#define SWIG_SetModule (   clientdata,
)    SWIG_Ruby_SetModule(pointer)

Definition at line 1442 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_snprintf

#define SWIG_snprintf (   O,
)    sprintf(O,F,A)

Definition at line 470 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_snprintf2

#define SWIG_snprintf2 (   O,
)    sprintf(O,F,A,B)

Definition at line 471 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_SyntaxError

#define SWIG_SyntaxError   -8

Definition at line 880 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_SystemError

#define SWIG_SystemError   -10

Definition at line 882 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 426 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 421 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 290 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_TypeError

#define SWIG_TypeError   -5

Definition at line 877 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_TypeQuery

#define SWIG_TypeQuery (   name)    SWIG_TypeQueryModule(&swig_module, &swig_module, name)

Definition at line 1895 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_UnknownError

#define SWIG_UnknownError   -1

Definition at line 873 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_ValueError

#define SWIG_ValueError   -9

Definition at line 881 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define SWIG_VERSION   0x040200

Definition at line 10 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 99 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 36 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 71 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 76 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define SWIGRUBY

Definition at line 11 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 303 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 307 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 109 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 27 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t

#define SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t   swig_types[0]

Definition at line 1887 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t

#define SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t   swig_types[1]

Definition at line 1888 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t

#define SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t   swig_types[2]

Definition at line 1889 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIGTYPE_p_Agsym_t

#define SWIGTYPE_p_Agsym_t   swig_types[3]

Definition at line 1890 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIGTYPE_p_char

#define SWIGTYPE_p_char   swig_types[5]

Definition at line 1892 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define SWIGTYPE_p_FILE   swig_types[4]

Definition at line 1891 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 51 of file gv_ruby.cpp.



Definition at line 65 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define ULL2NUM (   x)    UINT2NUM((unsigned long) (x))

Definition at line 943 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define VALUEFUNC (   f)    (f)

Definition at line 1042 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


#define VOIDFUNC (   f)    (f)

Definition at line 1043 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

Typedef Documentation

◆ swig_cast_info

◆ swig_converter_func

typedef void *(* swig_converter_func) (void *, int *)

Definition at line 480 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ swig_dycast_func

typedef struct swig_type_info *(* swig_dycast_func) (void **)

Definition at line 480 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ swig_module_info

◆ swig_type_info

Function Documentation

◆ _wrap_digraph()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_digraph ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 2257 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References digraph(), NULL, Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, SWIG_NewPointerObj, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_edge()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_edge ( int  nargs,
VALUE *  args,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 2711 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _wrap_edge__SWIG_0(), _wrap_edge__SWIG_1(), _wrap_edge__SWIG_2(), _wrap_edge__SWIG_3(), NULL, Ruby_Format_OverloadedError(), SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_CheckState, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_fail, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_edge__SWIG_0()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_edge__SWIG_0 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 2564 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References edge, Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t.

Referenced by _wrap_edge().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_edge__SWIG_1()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_edge__SWIG_1 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 2596 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References edge, NULL, Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t.

Referenced by _wrap_edge().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_edge__SWIG_2()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_edge__SWIG_2 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 2631 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References edge, NULL, Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t.

Referenced by _wrap_edge().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_edge__SWIG_3()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_edge__SWIG_3 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 2666 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References edge, NULL, Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by _wrap_edge().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_findattr()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_findattr ( int  nargs,
VALUE *  args,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 3819 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _wrap_findattr__SWIG_0(), _wrap_findattr__SWIG_1(), _wrap_findattr__SWIG_2(), NULL, Ruby_Format_OverloadedError(), SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_CheckState, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_fail, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_findattr__SWIG_0()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_findattr__SWIG_0 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 3715 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References findattr(), NULL, Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agsym_t.

Referenced by _wrap_findattr().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_findattr__SWIG_1()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_findattr__SWIG_1 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 3750 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References findattr(), NULL, Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agsym_t.

Referenced by _wrap_findattr().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_findattr__SWIG_2()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_findattr__SWIG_2 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 3785 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References findattr(), NULL, Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agsym_t.

Referenced by _wrap_findattr().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_findedge()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_findedge ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 3683 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References findedge(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_findnode()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_findnode ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 3648 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References findnode(), NULL, Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_findsubg()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_findsubg ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 3613 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References findsubg(), NULL, Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, SWIG_NewPointerObj, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_firstattr()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstattr ( int  nargs,
VALUE *  args,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5425 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _wrap_firstattr__SWIG_0(), _wrap_firstattr__SWIG_1(), _wrap_firstattr__SWIG_2(), Ruby_Format_OverloadedError(), SWIG_CheckState, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_fail, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_firstattr__SWIG_0()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstattr__SWIG_0 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5290 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References firstattr(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agsym_t.

Referenced by _wrap_firstattr().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_firstattr__SWIG_1()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstattr__SWIG_1 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5346 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References firstattr(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agsym_t.

Referenced by _wrap_firstattr().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_firstattr__SWIG_2()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstattr__SWIG_2 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5402 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References firstattr(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agsym_t.

Referenced by _wrap_firstattr().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_firstedge()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstedge ( int  nargs,
VALUE *  args,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4521 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _wrap_firstedge__SWIG_0(), _wrap_firstedge__SWIG_1(), Ruby_Format_OverloadedError(), SWIG_CheckState, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_fail, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_firstedge__SWIG_0()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstedge__SWIG_0 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4386 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References firstedge(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by _wrap_firstedge().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_firstedge__SWIG_1()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstedge__SWIG_1 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4498 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References firstedge(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t.

Referenced by _wrap_firstedge().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_firsthead()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firsthead ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4782 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References firsthead(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_firstin()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstin ( int  nargs,
VALUE *  args,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4917 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _wrap_firstin__SWIG_0(), _wrap_firstin__SWIG_1(), Ruby_Format_OverloadedError(), SWIG_CheckState, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_fail, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_firstin__SWIG_0()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstin__SWIG_0 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4838 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References firstin(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by _wrap_firstin().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_firstin__SWIG_1()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstin__SWIG_1 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4894 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References firstin(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t.

Referenced by _wrap_firstin().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_firstnode()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstnode ( int  nargs,
VALUE *  args,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5171 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _wrap_firstnode__SWIG_0(), _wrap_firstnode__SWIG_1(), Ruby_Format_OverloadedError(), SWIG_CheckState, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_fail, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_firstnode__SWIG_0()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstnode__SWIG_0 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5092 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References firstnode(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by _wrap_firstnode().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_firstnode__SWIG_1()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstnode__SWIG_1 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5148 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References firstnode(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t.

Referenced by _wrap_firstnode().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_firstout()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstout ( int  nargs,
VALUE *  args,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4663 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _wrap_firstout__SWIG_0(), _wrap_firstout__SWIG_1(), Ruby_Format_OverloadedError(), SWIG_CheckState, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_fail, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_firstout__SWIG_0()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstout__SWIG_0 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4442 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References firstout(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by _wrap_firstout().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_firstout__SWIG_1()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstout__SWIG_1 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4640 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References firstout(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t.

Referenced by _wrap_firstout().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_firstsubg()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstsubg ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4274 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References firstsubg(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_firstsupg()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firstsupg ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4330 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References firstsupg(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_firsttail()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_firsttail ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5036 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References firsttail(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_getv()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_getv ( int  nargs,
VALUE *  args,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 3387 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _wrap_getv__SWIG_0(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_1(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_2(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_3(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_4(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_5(), NULL, Ruby_Format_OverloadedError(), SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_CheckState, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_fail, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agsym_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_getv__SWIG_0()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_getv__SWIG_0 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 3187 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References getv(), NULL, Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_FromCharPtr(), SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by _wrap_getv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_getv__SWIG_1()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_getv__SWIG_1 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 3222 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References getv(), NULL, Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_FromCharPtr(), SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t.

Referenced by _wrap_getv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_getv__SWIG_2()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_getv__SWIG_2 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 3257 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References getv(), NULL, Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_FromCharPtr(), SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t.

Referenced by _wrap_getv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_getv__SWIG_3()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_getv__SWIG_3 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 3292 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References getv(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_FromCharPtr(), SWIG_IsOK, SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agsym_t.

Referenced by _wrap_getv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_getv__SWIG_4()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_getv__SWIG_4 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 3324 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References getv(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_FromCharPtr(), SWIG_IsOK, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agsym_t.

Referenced by _wrap_getv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_getv__SWIG_5()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_getv__SWIG_5 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 3356 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References getv(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_FromCharPtr(), SWIG_IsOK, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agsym_t.

Referenced by _wrap_getv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_graph()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_graph ( int  nargs,
VALUE *  args,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 2487 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _wrap_graph__SWIG_0(), _wrap_graph__SWIG_1(), NULL, Ruby_Format_OverloadedError(), SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_CheckState, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_fail, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_graph__SWIG_0()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_graph__SWIG_0 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 2230 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References graph(), NULL, Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, SWIG_NewPointerObj, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by _wrap_graph().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_graph__SWIG_1()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_graph__SWIG_1 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 2453 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References graph(), NULL, Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, SWIG_NewPointerObj, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by _wrap_graph().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_graphof()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_graphof ( int  nargs,
VALUE *  args,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 3999 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _wrap_graphof__SWIG_0(), _wrap_graphof__SWIG_1(), _wrap_graphof__SWIG_2(), Ruby_Format_OverloadedError(), SWIG_CheckState, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_fail, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_graphof__SWIG_0()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_graphof__SWIG_0 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 3928 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References graphof(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by _wrap_graphof().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_graphof__SWIG_1()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_graphof__SWIG_1 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 3952 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References graphof(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by _wrap_graphof().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_graphof__SWIG_2()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_graphof__SWIG_2 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 3976 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References graphof(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by _wrap_graphof().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_headof()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_headof ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 3880 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References headof(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_layout()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_layout ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5689 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References layout(), NULL, Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_From_bool, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_nameof()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nameof ( int  nargs,
VALUE *  args,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 3564 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _wrap_nameof__SWIG_0(), _wrap_nameof__SWIG_1(), _wrap_nameof__SWIG_2(), Ruby_Format_OverloadedError(), SWIG_CheckState, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_fail, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agsym_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_nameof__SWIG_0()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nameof__SWIG_0 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 3493 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References nameof(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_FromCharPtr(), SWIG_IsOK, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by _wrap_nameof().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_nameof__SWIG_1()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nameof__SWIG_1 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 3517 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References nameof(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_FromCharPtr(), SWIG_IsOK, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t.

Referenced by _wrap_nameof().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_nameof__SWIG_2()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nameof__SWIG_2 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 3541 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References nameof(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_FromCharPtr(), SWIG_IsOK, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agsym_t.

Referenced by _wrap_nameof().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_nextattr()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextattr ( int  nargs,
VALUE *  args,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5505 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _wrap_nextattr__SWIG_0(), _wrap_nextattr__SWIG_1(), _wrap_nextattr__SWIG_2(), Ruby_Format_OverloadedError(), SWIG_CheckState, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_fail, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agsym_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_nextattr__SWIG_0()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextattr__SWIG_0 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5314 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References nextattr(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agsym_t.

Referenced by _wrap_nextattr().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_nextattr__SWIG_1()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextattr__SWIG_1 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5370 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References nextattr(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agsym_t.

Referenced by _wrap_nextattr().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_nextattr__SWIG_2()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextattr__SWIG_2 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5474 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References nextattr(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agsym_t.

Referenced by _wrap_nextattr().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_nextedge()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextedge ( int  nargs,
VALUE *  args,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4591 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _wrap_nextedge__SWIG_0(), _wrap_nextedge__SWIG_1(), Ruby_Format_OverloadedError(), SWIG_CheckState, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_fail, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_nextedge__SWIG_0()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextedge__SWIG_0 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4410 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References nextedge(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by _wrap_nextedge().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_nextedge__SWIG_1()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextedge__SWIG_1 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4560 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References nextedge(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t.

Referenced by _wrap_nextedge().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_nexthead()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nexthead ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4806 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References nexthead(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_nextin()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextin ( int  nargs,
VALUE *  args,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4987 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _wrap_nextin__SWIG_0(), _wrap_nextin__SWIG_1(), Ruby_Format_OverloadedError(), SWIG_CheckState, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_fail, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_nextin__SWIG_0()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextin__SWIG_0 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4862 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References nextin(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t.

Referenced by _wrap_nextin().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_nextin__SWIG_1()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextin__SWIG_1 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4956 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References nextin(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by _wrap_nextin().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_nextnode()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextnode ( int  nargs,
VALUE *  args,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5241 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _wrap_nextnode__SWIG_0(), _wrap_nextnode__SWIG_1(), Ruby_Format_OverloadedError(), SWIG_CheckState, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_fail, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_nextnode__SWIG_0()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextnode__SWIG_0 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5116 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References nextnode(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by _wrap_nextnode().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_nextnode__SWIG_1()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextnode__SWIG_1 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5210 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References nextnode(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t.

Referenced by _wrap_nextnode().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_nextout()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextout ( int  nargs,
VALUE *  args,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4733 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _wrap_nextout__SWIG_0(), _wrap_nextout__SWIG_1(), Ruby_Format_OverloadedError(), SWIG_CheckState, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_fail, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_nextout__SWIG_0()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextout__SWIG_0 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4466 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References nextout(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by _wrap_nextout().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_nextout__SWIG_1()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextout__SWIG_1 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4702 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References nextout(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t.

Referenced by _wrap_nextout().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_nextsubg()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextsubg ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4298 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References nextsubg(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_nextsupg()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nextsupg ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4354 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References nextsupg(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_nexttail()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_nexttail ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5060 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References nexttail(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_node()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_node ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 2529 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References NULL, Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_ok()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_ok ( int  nargs,
VALUE *  args,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4215 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _wrap_ok__SWIG_0(), _wrap_ok__SWIG_1(), _wrap_ok__SWIG_2(), _wrap_ok__SWIG_3(), Ruby_Format_OverloadedError(), SWIG_CheckState, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_fail, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agsym_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_ok__SWIG_0()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_ok__SWIG_0 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4120 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References ok(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_From_bool, SWIG_IsOK, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by _wrap_ok().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_ok__SWIG_1()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_ok__SWIG_1 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4144 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References ok(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_From_bool, SWIG_IsOK, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t.

Referenced by _wrap_ok().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_ok__SWIG_2()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_ok__SWIG_2 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4168 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References ok(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_From_bool, SWIG_IsOK, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t.

Referenced by _wrap_ok().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_ok__SWIG_3()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_ok__SWIG_3 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4192 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References ok(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_From_bool, SWIG_IsOK, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agsym_t.

Referenced by _wrap_ok().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_protoedge()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_protoedge ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4096 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References protoedge(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_protonode()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_protonode ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4072 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References protonode(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_read()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_read ( int  nargs,
VALUE *  args,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 2415 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _wrap_read__SWIG_0(), _wrap_read__SWIG_1(), NULL, Ruby_Format_OverloadedError(), SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_CheckState, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_fail, and SWIGTYPE_p_FILE.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_read__SWIG_0()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_read__SWIG_0 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 2365 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References NULL, read(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, SWIG_NewPointerObj, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by _wrap_read().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_read__SWIG_1()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_read__SWIG_1 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 2392 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References read(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_FILE.

Referenced by _wrap_read().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_readstring()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_readstring ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 2338 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References NULL, readstring(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, SWIG_NewPointerObj, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_render()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_render ( int  nargs,
VALUE *  args,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5871 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _wrap_render__SWIG_0(), _wrap_render__SWIG_1(), _wrap_render__SWIG_2(), _wrap_render__SWIG_3(), NULL, Ruby_Format_OverloadedError(), SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_CheckState, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_fail, SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_FILE.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_render__SWIG_0()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_render__SWIG_0 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5724 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References render(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_From_bool, SWIG_IsOK, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by _wrap_render().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_render__SWIG_1()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_render__SWIG_1 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5748 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References NULL, render(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_From_bool, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by _wrap_render().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_render__SWIG_2()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_render__SWIG_2 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5783 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References NULL, render(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_From_bool, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_FILE.

Referenced by _wrap_render().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_render__SWIG_3()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_render__SWIG_3 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5826 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References NULL, render(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_From_bool, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by _wrap_render().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_renderchannel()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_renderchannel ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5994 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References NULL, renderchannel(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_From_bool, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_renderdata()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_renderdata ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 6040 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References NULL, renderdata(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_FromCharPtr(), SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_renderresult()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_renderresult ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5951 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References NULL, renderresult(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_rm()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_rm ( int  nargs,
VALUE *  args,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5640 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _wrap_rm__SWIG_0(), _wrap_rm__SWIG_1(), _wrap_rm__SWIG_2(), Ruby_Format_OverloadedError(), SWIG_CheckState, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_fail, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_rm__SWIG_0()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_rm__SWIG_0 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5569 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References rm(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_From_bool, SWIG_IsOK, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by _wrap_rm().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_rm__SWIG_1()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_rm__SWIG_1 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5593 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References rm(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_From_bool, SWIG_IsOK, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t.

Referenced by _wrap_rm().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_rm__SWIG_2()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_rm__SWIG_2 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 5617 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References rm(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_From_bool, SWIG_IsOK, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t.

Referenced by _wrap_rm().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_rootof()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_rootof ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 4048 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References rootof(), Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_setv()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_setv ( int  nargs,
VALUE *  args,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 3057 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _wrap_setv__SWIG_0(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_1(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_2(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_3(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_4(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_5(), NULL, Ruby_Format_OverloadedError(), SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_CheckState, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_fail, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agsym_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_setv__SWIG_0()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_setv__SWIG_0 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 2791 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References NULL, Ruby_Format_TypeError(), setv(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_FromCharPtr(), SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by _wrap_setv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_setv__SWIG_1()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_setv__SWIG_1 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 2837 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References NULL, Ruby_Format_TypeError(), setv(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_FromCharPtr(), SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t.

Referenced by _wrap_setv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_setv__SWIG_2()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_setv__SWIG_2 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 2883 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References NULL, Ruby_Format_TypeError(), setv(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_FromCharPtr(), SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t.

Referenced by _wrap_setv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_setv__SWIG_3()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_setv__SWIG_3 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 2929 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References NULL, Ruby_Format_TypeError(), setv(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_FromCharPtr(), SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agsym_t.

Referenced by _wrap_setv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_setv__SWIG_4()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_setv__SWIG_4 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 2972 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References NULL, Ruby_Format_TypeError(), setv(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_FromCharPtr(), SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agsym_t.

Referenced by _wrap_setv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_setv__SWIG_5()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_setv__SWIG_5 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 3015 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References NULL, Ruby_Format_TypeError(), setv(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_FromCharPtr(), SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agsym_t.

Referenced by _wrap_setv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_strictdigraph()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_strictdigraph ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 2311 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References NULL, Ruby_Format_TypeError(), strictdigraph(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, SWIG_NewPointerObj, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_strictgraph()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_strictgraph ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 2284 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References NULL, Ruby_Format_TypeError(), strictgraph(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, SWIG_NewPointerObj, and SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_tailof()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_tailof ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 3904 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_as_voidptr, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NewPointerObj, SWIGTYPE_p_Agedge_t, SWIGTYPE_p_Agnode_t, and tailof().

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_tred()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_tred ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 6189 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_From_bool, SWIG_IsOK, SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t, and tred().

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_write()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_write ( int  nargs,
VALUE *  args,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 6141 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _wrap_write__SWIG_0(), _wrap_write__SWIG_1(), NULL, Ruby_Format_OverloadedError(), SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_CheckState, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_fail, SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t, and SWIGTYPE_p_FILE.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_write__SWIG_0()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_write__SWIG_0 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 6075 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References NULL, Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_From_bool, SWIG_IsOK, SWIG_NEWOBJ, SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t, and write().

Referenced by _wrap_write().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _wrap_write__SWIG_1()

SWIGINTERN VALUE _wrap_write__SWIG_1 ( int  argc,
VALUE *  argv,
VALUE  self 

Definition at line 6110 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References Ruby_Format_TypeError(), SWIG_ArgError, SWIG_ConvertPtr, SWIG_exception_fail, SWIG_fail, SWIG_From_bool, SWIG_IsOK, SWIGTYPE_p_Agraph_t, SWIGTYPE_p_FILE, and write().

Referenced by _wrap_write().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ digraph()

Agraph_t * digraph ( char *  name)

Definition at line 36 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_digraph().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ edge() [1/4]

Agedge_t * edge ( Agnode_t t,
Agnode_t h 

New edges

Definition at line 99 of file gv.cpp.

◆ edge() [2/4]

Agedge_t * edge ( Agnode_t t,
char *  hname 

Definition at line 107 of file gv.cpp.

◆ edge() [3/4]

Agedge_t * edge ( Agraph_t g,
char *  tname,
char *  hname 

Definition at line 112 of file gv.cpp.

◆ edge() [4/4]

Agedge_t * edge ( char *  tname,
Agnode_t h 

Definition at line 102 of file gv.cpp.

◆ findattr() [1/3]

Agsym_t * findattr ( Agedge_t e,
char *  name 

Definition at line 279 of file gv.cpp.

◆ findattr() [2/3]

Agsym_t * findattr ( Agnode_t n,
char *  name 

Definition at line 273 of file gv.cpp.

◆ findattr() [3/3]

Agsym_t * findattr ( Agraph_t g,
char *  name 

Definition at line 267 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_findattr__SWIG_0(), _wrap_findattr__SWIG_1(), and _wrap_findattr__SWIG_2().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ findedge()

Agedge_t * findedge ( Agnode_t t,
Agnode_t h 

Definition at line 259 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_findedge().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ findnode()

Agnode_t * findnode ( Agraph_t g,
char *  name 

Definition at line 253 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_findnode().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ findsubg()

Agraph_t * findsubg ( Agraph_t g,
char *  name 

Find handles from names

Definition at line 247 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_findsubg().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ firstattr() [1/3]

Agsym_t * firstattr ( Agedge_t e)

Definition at line 570 of file gv.cpp.

◆ firstattr() [2/3]

Agsym_t * firstattr ( Agnode_t n)

Definition at line 556 of file gv.cpp.

◆ firstattr() [3/3]

Agsym_t * firstattr ( Agraph_t g)

Definition at line 542 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_firstattr__SWIG_0(), _wrap_firstattr__SWIG_1(), and _wrap_firstattr__SWIG_2().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ firstedge() [1/2]

Agedge_t * firstedge ( Agnode_t n)

Definition at line 449 of file gv.cpp.

◆ firstedge() [2/2]

Agedge_t * firstedge ( Agraph_t g)

Definition at line 409 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_firstedge__SWIG_0(), and _wrap_firstedge__SWIG_1().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ firsthead()

Agnode_t * firsthead ( Agnode_t n)

Definition at line 425 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_firsthead().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ firstin() [1/2]

Agedge_t * firstin ( Agnode_t n)

Definition at line 482 of file gv.cpp.

◆ firstin() [2/2]

Agedge_t * firstin ( Agraph_t g)

Definition at line 461 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_firstin__SWIG_0(), and _wrap_firstin__SWIG_1().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ firstnode() [1/2]

Agnode_t * firstnode ( Agedge_t e)

Definition at line 530 of file gv.cpp.

◆ firstnode() [2/2]

Agnode_t * firstnode ( Agraph_t g)

Definition at line 518 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_firstnode__SWIG_0(), and _wrap_firstnode__SWIG_1().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ firstout() [1/2]

Agedge_t * firstout ( Agnode_t n)

Definition at line 413 of file gv.cpp.

◆ firstout() [2/2]

Agedge_t * firstout ( Agraph_t g)

Definition at line 384 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_firstout__SWIG_0(), and _wrap_firstout__SWIG_1().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ firstsubg()

Agraph_t * firstsubg ( Agraph_t g)

Definition at line 367 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_firstsubg().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ firstsupg()

Agraph_t * firstsupg ( Agraph_t g)

Definition at line 380 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_firstsupg().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ firsttail()

Agnode_t * firsttail ( Agnode_t n)

Definition at line 494 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_firsttail().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getExceptionClass()

SWIGRUNTIME VALUE getExceptionClass ( void  )

Definition at line 1519 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _mSWIG, and init().

Referenced by SWIG_Ruby_ExceptionType().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getNullReferenceError()

SWIGINTERN VALUE getNullReferenceError ( void  )

Definition at line 1089 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References init().

Referenced by SWIG_Ruby_ErrorType().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getObjectPreviouslyDeletedError()

SWIGINTERN VALUE getObjectPreviouslyDeletedError ( void  )

Definition at line 1100 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References init().

Referenced by SWIG_Ruby_ErrorType().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getv() [1/6]

char * getv ( Agedge_t e,
Agsym_t a 

Definition at line 205 of file gv.cpp.

◆ getv() [2/6]

char * getv ( Agedge_t e,
char *  attr 

Definition at line 212 of file gv.cpp.

◆ getv() [3/6]

char * getv ( Agnode_t n,
Agsym_t a 

Definition at line 162 of file gv.cpp.

◆ getv() [4/6]

char * getv ( Agnode_t n,
char *  attr 

Definition at line 169 of file gv.cpp.

◆ getv() [5/6]

char * getv ( Agraph_t g,
Agsym_t a 

Definition at line 129 of file gv.cpp.

◆ getv() [6/6]

char * getv ( Agraph_t g,
char *  attr 

Getting attribute values

Definition at line 130 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_getv__SWIG_0(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_1(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_2(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_3(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_4(), and _wrap_getv__SWIG_5().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ graph() [1/2]

Agraph_t * graph ( Agraph_t g,
char *  name 

Definition at line 78 of file gv.cpp.

◆ graph() [2/2]

Agraph_t * graph ( char *  name)

New graphs

Definition at line 30 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_graph__SWIG_0(), and _wrap_graph__SWIG_1().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ graphof() [1/3]

Agraph_t * graphof ( Agedge_t e)

Definition at line 309 of file gv.cpp.

◆ graphof() [2/3]

Agraph_t * graphof ( Agnode_t n)

Definition at line 318 of file gv.cpp.

◆ graphof() [3/3]

Agraph_t * graphof ( Agraph_t g)

Definition at line 303 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_graphof__SWIG_0(), _wrap_graphof__SWIG_1(), and _wrap_graphof__SWIG_2().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ headof()

Agnode_t * headof ( Agedge_t e)

Misc graph navigators returning handles

Definition at line 287 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_headof().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Init_gv()

◆ Init_stack()

RUBY_EXTERN void Init_stack ( VALUE *  addr)

◆ layout()

bool layout ( Agraph_t g,
const char *  engine 


Definition at line 615 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_layout().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nameof() [1/3]

char * nameof ( Agnode_t n)

Definition at line 348 of file gv.cpp.

◆ nameof() [2/3]

char * nameof ( Agraph_t g)

Obtain names from handles

Definition at line 343 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_nameof__SWIG_0(), _wrap_nameof__SWIG_1(), and _wrap_nameof__SWIG_2().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nameof() [3/3]

char * nameof ( Agsym_t a)

Definition at line 355 of file gv.cpp.

◆ nextattr() [1/3]

Agsym_t * nextattr ( Agedge_t e,
Agsym_t a 

Definition at line 577 of file gv.cpp.

◆ nextattr() [2/3]

Agsym_t * nextattr ( Agnode_t n,
Agsym_t a 

Definition at line 563 of file gv.cpp.

◆ nextattr() [3/3]

Agsym_t * nextattr ( Agraph_t g,
Agsym_t a 

Definition at line 549 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_nextattr__SWIG_0(), _wrap_nextattr__SWIG_1(), and _wrap_nextattr__SWIG_2().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nextedge() [1/2]

Agedge_t * nextedge ( Agnode_t n,
Agedge_t e 

Definition at line 455 of file gv.cpp.

◆ nextedge() [2/2]

Agedge_t * nextedge ( Agraph_t g,
Agedge_t e 

Definition at line 411 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_nextedge__SWIG_0(), and _wrap_nextedge__SWIG_1().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nexthead()

Agnode_t * nexthead ( Agnode_t n,
Agnode_t h 

Definition at line 434 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_nexthead().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nextin() [1/2]

Agedge_t * nextin ( Agnode_t n,
Agedge_t e 

Definition at line 488 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_nextin__SWIG_0(), and _wrap_nextin__SWIG_1().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nextin() [2/2]

Agedge_t * nextin ( Agraph_t g,
Agedge_t e 

Definition at line 470 of file gv.cpp.

◆ nextnode() [1/2]

Agnode_t * nextnode ( Agedge_t e,
Agnode_t n 

Definition at line 536 of file gv.cpp.

◆ nextnode() [2/2]

Agnode_t * nextnode ( Agraph_t g,
Agnode_t n 

Definition at line 524 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_nextnode__SWIG_0(), and _wrap_nextnode__SWIG_1().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nextout() [1/2]

Agedge_t * nextout ( Agnode_t n,
Agedge_t e 

Definition at line 419 of file gv.cpp.

◆ nextout() [2/2]

Agedge_t * nextout ( Agraph_t g,
Agedge_t e 

Definition at line 395 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_nextout__SWIG_0(), and _wrap_nextout__SWIG_1().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nextsubg()

Agraph_t * nextsubg ( Agraph_t g,
Agraph_t sg 

Definition at line 373 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_nextsubg().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nextsupg()

Agraph_t * nextsupg ( Agraph_t g,
Agraph_t sg 

Definition at line 382 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_nextsupg().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nexttail()

Agnode_t * nexttail ( Agnode_t n,
Agnode_t t 

Definition at line 503 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_nexttail().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ node()

Agnode_t * node ( Agraph_t g,
char *  name 

New nodes

Definition at line 84 of file gv.cpp.

◆ ok() [1/4]

bool ok ( Agedge_t e)

Definition at line 364 of file gv.cpp.

◆ ok() [2/4]

bool ok ( Agnode_t n)

Definition at line 363 of file gv.cpp.

◆ ok() [3/4]

bool ok ( Agraph_t g)


Definition at line 362 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_ok__SWIG_0(), _wrap_ok__SWIG_1(), _wrap_ok__SWIG_2(), and _wrap_ok__SWIG_3().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ok() [4/4]

bool ok ( Agsym_t a)

Definition at line 365 of file gv.cpp.

◆ protoedge()

Agedge_t * protoedge ( Agraph_t g)

Definition at line 338 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_protoedge().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ protonode()

Agnode_t * protonode ( Agraph_t g)

Obtain handles of proto node/edge for setting default attribute values

Definition at line 334 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_protonode().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ read() [1/2]

Agraph_t * read ( const char *  filename)

Definition at line 66 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_read__SWIG_0(), and _wrap_read__SWIG_1().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ read() [2/2]

Agraph_t * read ( FILE *  f)

Definition at line 60 of file gv.cpp.

◆ readstring()

Agraph_t * readstring ( char *  string)

Definition at line 54 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_readstring().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render() [1/4]

bool render ( Agraph_t g)


Definition at line 624 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_render__SWIG_0(), _wrap_render__SWIG_1(), _wrap_render__SWIG_2(), and _wrap_render__SWIG_3().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render() [2/4]

bool render ( Agraph_t g,
const char *  format 

Definition at line 632 of file gv.cpp.

◆ render() [3/4]

bool render ( Agraph_t g,
const char *  format,
const char *  filename 

Definition at line 658 of file gv.cpp.

◆ render() [4/4]

bool render ( Agraph_t g,
const char *  format,
FILE *  fout 

Definition at line 640 of file gv.cpp.

◆ renderchannel()

bool renderchannel ( Agraph_t g,
const char *  format,
const char *  channelname 

Definition at line 648 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_renderchannel().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ renderdata()

char * renderdata ( Agraph_t g,
const char *  format 

Definition at line 699 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_renderdata().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ renderresult()

void renderresult ( Agraph_t g,
const char *  format,
char *  outdata 

Definition at line 690 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_renderresult().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rm() [1/3]

bool rm ( Agedge_t e)

Definition at line 604 of file gv.cpp.

◆ rm() [2/3]

bool rm ( Agnode_t n)

Definition at line 594 of file gv.cpp.

◆ rm() [3/3]

bool rm ( Agraph_t g)

Remove graph objects

Definition at line 584 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_rm__SWIG_0(), _wrap_rm__SWIG_1(), and _wrap_rm__SWIG_2().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rootof()

Agraph_t * rootof ( Agraph_t g)

Definition at line 327 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_rootof().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Ruby_Format_OverloadedError()

SWIGINTERN void Ruby_Format_OverloadedError ( const int  argc,
const int  maxargs,
const char *  method,
const char *  prototypes 

Definition at line 1216 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_edge(), _wrap_findattr(), _wrap_firstattr(), _wrap_firstedge(), _wrap_firstin(), _wrap_firstnode(), _wrap_firstout(), _wrap_getv(), _wrap_graph(), _wrap_graphof(), _wrap_nameof(), _wrap_nextattr(), _wrap_nextedge(), _wrap_nextin(), _wrap_nextnode(), _wrap_nextout(), _wrap_ok(), _wrap_read(), _wrap_render(), _wrap_rm(), _wrap_setv(), and _wrap_write().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Ruby_Format_TypeError()

SWIGINTERN const char * Ruby_Format_TypeError ( const char *  msg,
const char *  type,
const char *  name,
const int  argn,
VALUE  input 

Definition at line 1168 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References NULL, RSTRING_LEN, str, StringValuePtr, SWIG_snprintf, and type.

Referenced by _wrap_digraph(), _wrap_edge__SWIG_0(), _wrap_edge__SWIG_1(), _wrap_edge__SWIG_2(), _wrap_edge__SWIG_3(), _wrap_findattr__SWIG_0(), _wrap_findattr__SWIG_1(), _wrap_findattr__SWIG_2(), _wrap_findedge(), _wrap_findnode(), _wrap_findsubg(), _wrap_firstattr__SWIG_0(), _wrap_firstattr__SWIG_1(), _wrap_firstattr__SWIG_2(), _wrap_firstedge__SWIG_0(), _wrap_firstedge__SWIG_1(), _wrap_firsthead(), _wrap_firstin__SWIG_0(), _wrap_firstin__SWIG_1(), _wrap_firstnode__SWIG_0(), _wrap_firstnode__SWIG_1(), _wrap_firstout__SWIG_0(), _wrap_firstout__SWIG_1(), _wrap_firstsubg(), _wrap_firstsupg(), _wrap_firsttail(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_0(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_1(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_2(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_3(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_4(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_5(), _wrap_graph__SWIG_0(), _wrap_graph__SWIG_1(), _wrap_graphof__SWIG_0(), _wrap_graphof__SWIG_1(), _wrap_graphof__SWIG_2(), _wrap_headof(), _wrap_layout(), _wrap_nameof__SWIG_0(), _wrap_nameof__SWIG_1(), _wrap_nameof__SWIG_2(), _wrap_nextattr__SWIG_0(), _wrap_nextattr__SWIG_1(), _wrap_nextattr__SWIG_2(), _wrap_nextedge__SWIG_0(), _wrap_nextedge__SWIG_1(), _wrap_nexthead(), _wrap_nextin__SWIG_0(), _wrap_nextin__SWIG_1(), _wrap_nextnode__SWIG_0(), _wrap_nextnode__SWIG_1(), _wrap_nextout__SWIG_0(), _wrap_nextout__SWIG_1(), _wrap_nextsubg(), _wrap_nextsupg(), _wrap_nexttail(), _wrap_node(), _wrap_ok__SWIG_0(), _wrap_ok__SWIG_1(), _wrap_ok__SWIG_2(), _wrap_ok__SWIG_3(), _wrap_protoedge(), _wrap_protonode(), _wrap_read__SWIG_0(), _wrap_read__SWIG_1(), _wrap_readstring(), _wrap_render__SWIG_0(), _wrap_render__SWIG_1(), _wrap_render__SWIG_2(), _wrap_render__SWIG_3(), _wrap_renderchannel(), _wrap_renderdata(), _wrap_renderresult(), _wrap_rm__SWIG_0(), _wrap_rm__SWIG_1(), _wrap_rm__SWIG_2(), _wrap_rootof(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_0(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_1(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_2(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_3(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_4(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_5(), _wrap_strictdigraph(), _wrap_strictgraph(), _wrap_tailof(), _wrap_tred(), _wrap_write__SWIG_0(), and _wrap_write__SWIG_1().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setv() [1/6]

char * setv ( Agedge_t e,
Agsym_t a,
char *  val 

Definition at line 221 of file gv.cpp.

◆ setv() [2/6]

char * setv ( Agedge_t e,
char *  attr,
char *  val 

Definition at line 229 of file gv.cpp.

◆ setv() [3/6]

char * setv ( Agnode_t n,
Agsym_t a,
char *  val 

Definition at line 178 of file gv.cpp.

◆ setv() [4/6]

char * setv ( Agnode_t n,
char *  attr,
char *  val 

Definition at line 186 of file gv.cpp.

◆ setv() [5/6]

char * setv ( Agraph_t g,
Agsym_t a,
char *  val 

Definition at line 146 of file gv.cpp.

◆ setv() [6/6]

char * setv ( Agraph_t g,
char *  attr,
char *  val 

Setting attribute values

Definition at line 152 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_setv__SWIG_0(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_1(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_2(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_3(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_4(), and _wrap_setv__SWIG_5().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ strictdigraph()

Agraph_t * strictdigraph ( char *  name)

Definition at line 48 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_strictdigraph().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ strictgraph()

Agraph_t * strictgraph ( char *  name)

Definition at line 42 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_strictgraph().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize()

◆ SWIG_From_bool()

SWIGINTERNINLINE VALUE SWIG_From_bool ( bool  value)

Definition at line 2224 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ SWIG_FromCharPtr()

SWIGINTERNINLINE VALUE SWIG_FromCharPtr ( const char *  cptr)

Definition at line 2217 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References SWIG_FromCharPtrAndSize().

Referenced by _wrap_getv__SWIG_0(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_1(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_2(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_3(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_4(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_5(), _wrap_nameof__SWIG_0(), _wrap_nameof__SWIG_1(), _wrap_nameof__SWIG_2(), _wrap_renderdata(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_0(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_1(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_2(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_3(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_4(), and _wrap_setv__SWIG_5().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_FromCharPtrAndSize()

SWIGINTERNINLINE VALUE SWIG_FromCharPtrAndSize ( const char *  carray,
size_t  size 

Definition at line 2200 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References SWIG_NewPointerObj, and SWIG_pchar_descriptor().

Referenced by SWIG_FromCharPtr().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_InitializeModule()

SWIGRUNTIME void SWIG_InitializeModule ( SWIG_INIT_CLIENT_DATA_TYPE  clientdata)

Definition at line 6307 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References swig_module_info::cast_initial, swig_type_info::clientdata, init(), swig_type_info::name, swig_cast_info::next, swig_module_info::next, swig_module_info::size, swig_cast_initial, SWIG_GetModule, SWIG_MangledTypeQueryModule(), swig_module, SWIG_SetModule, swig_type_initial, SWIG_TypeCheck(), type, swig_cast_info::type, swig_module_info::type_initial, and swig_module_info::types.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_MangledTypeQueryModule()

SWIGRUNTIME swig_type_info * SWIG_MangledTypeQueryModule ( swig_module_info start,
swig_module_info end,
const char *  name 

Definition at line 699 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References compare(), swig_type_info::name, swig_module_info::next, swig_module_info::size, and swig_module_info::types.

Referenced by SWIG_InitializeModule(), and SWIG_TypeQueryModule().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_PackData()

SWIGRUNTIME char * SWIG_PackData ( char *  c,
void *  ptr,
size_t  sz 

Definition at line 773 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

Referenced by SWIG_PackDataName(), SWIG_PackVoidPtr(), and SWIG_Ruby_NewPackedObj().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_PackDataName()

SWIGRUNTIME char * SWIG_PackDataName ( char *  buff,
void *  ptr,
size_t  sz,
const char *  name,
size_t  bsz 

Definition at line 841 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References SWIG_PackData().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_PackVoidPtr()

SWIGRUNTIME char * SWIG_PackVoidPtr ( char *  buff,
void *  ptr,
const char *  name,
size_t  bsz 

Definition at line 817 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References SWIG_PackData().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_pchar_descriptor()

SWIGINTERN swig_type_info * SWIG_pchar_descriptor ( void  )

Definition at line 2150 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References init(), and SWIG_TypeQuery.

Referenced by SWIG_AsCharPtrAndSize(), and SWIG_FromCharPtrAndSize().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_PropagateClientData()

SWIGRUNTIME void SWIG_PropagateClientData ( void  )

Definition at line 6455 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References swig_type_info::cast, swig_type_info::clientdata, swig_cast_info::converter, swig_cast_info::next, swig_module_info::size, swig_module, SWIG_TypeClientData(), swig_cast_info::type, and swig_module_info::types.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_Ruby_AcquirePtr()

SWIGRUNTIME swig_ruby_owntype SWIG_Ruby_AcquirePtr ( VALUE  obj,
swig_ruby_owntype  own 

Definition at line 1657 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References swig_ruby_owntype::datafree, RDATA, RTYPEDDATA_P, and TYPE.

◆ SWIG_Ruby_AppendOutput()

SWIGINTERN VALUE SWIG_Ruby_AppendOutput ( VALUE  target,

Definition at line 1376 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References TYPE.

◆ SWIG_Ruby_arity()

SWIGINTERN int SWIG_Ruby_arity ( VALUE  proc,
int  minimal 

Definition at line 1859 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References swig_arity_id.

◆ SWIG_Ruby_CheckConvert()

SWIGRUNTIMEINLINE int SWIG_Ruby_CheckConvert ( VALUE  obj,
swig_type_info ty 

Definition at line 1766 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References SWIG_MangleStr, and SWIG_TypeCheck().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_Ruby_ConvertPacked()

SWIGRUNTIME int SWIG_Ruby_ConvertPacked ( VALUE  obj,
void *  ptr,
int  sz,
swig_type_info ty 

Definition at line 1786 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References StringValuePtr, SWIG_ERROR, SWIG_OK, SWIG_TypeCheck(), SWIG_UnpackData(), and TYPE.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_Ruby_ConvertPtrAndOwn()

SWIGRUNTIME int SWIG_Ruby_ConvertPtrAndOwn ( VALUE  obj,
void **  ptr,
swig_type_info ty,
int  flags,
swig_ruby_owntype own 

◆ SWIG_Ruby_define_class()

SWIGRUNTIME void SWIG_Ruby_define_class ( swig_type_info type)

Definition at line 1557 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _cSWIG_Pointer, _mSWIG, free(), malloc(), rb_undef_alloc_func, SWIG_snprintf, and type.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_Ruby_ErrorType()

SWIGINTERN VALUE SWIG_Ruby_ErrorType ( int  SWIG_code)

Definition at line 1112 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References getNullReferenceError(), getObjectPreviouslyDeletedError(), SWIG_AttributeError, SWIG_DivisionByZero, SWIG_IndexError, SWIG_IOError, SWIG_MemoryError, SWIG_NullReferenceError, SWIG_ObjectPreviouslyDeletedError, SWIG_OverflowError, SWIG_RuntimeError, SWIG_SyntaxError, SWIG_SystemError, SWIG_TypeError, SWIG_UnknownError, SWIG_ValueError, and type.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_Ruby_ExceptionType()

SWIGRUNTIME VALUE SWIG_Ruby_ExceptionType ( swig_type_info desc,
VALUE  obj 

Definition at line 1534 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References getExceptionClass().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_Ruby_GetModule()

SWIGRUNTIME swig_module_info * SWIG_Ruby_GetModule ( void *  SWIGUNUSEDPARMclientdata)

Definition at line 1807 of file gv_ruby.cpp.


◆ SWIG_Ruby_InitRuntime()

SWIGRUNTIME void SWIG_Ruby_InitRuntime ( void  )

Definition at line 1545 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _mSWIG, swig_arity_id, swig_call_id, and swig_lowerthan_id.

◆ swig_ruby_internal_iterate_callback()

static int swig_ruby_internal_iterate_callback ( st_data_t  ptr,
st_data_t  obj,
st_data_t  meth 

Definition at line 1352 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

Referenced by SWIG_RubyIterateTrackings().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_Ruby_isCallable()

SWIGINTERN int SWIG_Ruby_isCallable ( VALUE  proc)

Definition at line 1846 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References swig_call_id.

◆ SWIG_Ruby_MangleStr()

SWIGRUNTIMEINLINE char * SWIG_Ruby_MangleStr ( VALUE  obj)

Definition at line 1642 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References NULL, and StringValuePtr.

◆ SWIG_Ruby_NewClassInstance()

SWIGRUNTIME VALUE SWIG_Ruby_NewClassInstance ( VALUE  klass,
swig_type_info type 

Definition at line 1631 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References swig_class::destroy, swig_class::mark, type, and VOIDFUNC.

◆ SWIG_Ruby_NewPackedObj()

SWIGRUNTIME VALUE SWIG_Ruby_NewPackedObj ( void *  ptr,
int  sz,
swig_type_info type 

Definition at line 1774 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References SWIG_PackData(), and type.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_Ruby_NewPointerObj()

SWIGRUNTIME VALUE SWIG_Ruby_NewPointerObj ( void *  ptr,
swig_type_info type,
int  flags 

Definition at line 1572 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _mSWIG, swig_class::destroy, flags, free(), swig_class::klass, malloc(), swig_class::mark, RSTRING_PTR, SWIG_POINTER_OWN, SWIG_RubyAddTracking(), SWIG_RubyInstanceFor(), SWIG_RubyRemoveTracking(), SWIG_snprintf, swig_class::trackObjects, type, and VOIDFUNC.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_Ruby_SetModule()

SWIGRUNTIME void SWIG_Ruby_SetModule ( swig_module_info pointer)

◆ swig_ruby_trackings_count()

static VALUE swig_ruby_trackings_count ( ID  id,
VALUE *  var 

Definition at line 1264 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References SWIG2NUM, and swig_ruby_trackings.

Referenced by SWIG_RubyInitializeTrackings().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_RubyAddTracking()

SWIGRUNTIME void SWIG_RubyAddTracking ( void *  ptr,
VALUE  object 

Definition at line 1307 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References swig_ruby_trackings.

Referenced by SWIG_Ruby_NewPointerObj().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_RubyInitializeTrackings()

SWIGRUNTIME void SWIG_RubyInitializeTrackings ( void  )

Definition at line 1270 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References _mSWIG, ID, NULL, NUM2SWIG, SWIG2NUM, swig_ruby_trackings, swig_ruby_trackings_count(), SWIG_RUBY_VOID_ANYARGS_FUNC, VALUEFUNC, and verbose.

Referenced by Init_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_RubyInstanceFor()

SWIGRUNTIME VALUE SWIG_RubyInstanceFor ( void *  ptr)

Definition at line 1313 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References swig_ruby_trackings.

Referenced by SWIG_Ruby_NewPointerObj(), and SWIG_RubyUnlinkObjects().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_RubyIterateTrackings()

SWIGRUNTIME void SWIG_RubyIterateTrackings ( void(*)(void *ptr, VALUE obj)  meth)

Definition at line 1357 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References SWIG_RUBY_INT_ANYARGS_FUNC, swig_ruby_internal_iterate_callback(), and swig_ruby_trackings.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_RubyRemoveTracking()

SWIGRUNTIME void SWIG_RubyRemoveTracking ( void *  ptr)

Definition at line 1328 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References NULL, and swig_ruby_trackings.

Referenced by SWIG_Ruby_ConvertPtrAndOwn(), and SWIG_Ruby_NewPointerObj().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_RubyUnlinkObjects()

SWIGRUNTIME void SWIG_RubyUnlinkObjects ( void *  ptr)

Definition at line 1336 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References SWIG_RubyInstanceFor().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_TypeCast()

SWIGRUNTIMEINLINE void * SWIG_TypeCast ( swig_cast_info ty,
void *  ptr,
int *  newmemory 

Definition at line 617 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References swig_cast_info::converter.

Referenced by SWIG_Ruby_ConvertPtrAndOwn().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_TypeCheck()

SWIGRUNTIME swig_cast_info * SWIG_TypeCheck ( const char *  c,
swig_type_info ty 

Definition at line 563 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References swig_type_info::cast, swig_type_info::name, swig_cast_info::next, swig_cast_info::prev, and swig_cast_info::type.

Referenced by SWIG_InitializeModule(), SWIG_Ruby_CheckConvert(), SWIG_Ruby_ConvertPacked(), and SWIG_Ruby_ConvertPtrAndOwn().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_TypeCheckStruct()

SWIGRUNTIME swig_cast_info * SWIG_TypeCheckStruct ( const swig_type_info from,
swig_type_info ty 

◆ SWIG_TypeClientData()

SWIGRUNTIME void SWIG_TypeClientData ( swig_type_info ti,
void *  clientdata 

Definition at line 669 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References swig_type_info::cast, swig_type_info::clientdata, swig_module_info::clientdata, swig_cast_info::converter, swig_cast_info::next, SWIG_TypeClientData(), and swig_cast_info::type.

Referenced by SWIG_PropagateClientData(), SWIG_TypeClientData(), and SWIG_TypeNewClientData().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_TypeCmp()

SWIGRUNTIME int SWIG_TypeCmp ( const char *  nb,
const char *  tb 

Definition at line 536 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References SWIG_TypeNameComp().

Referenced by SWIG_TypeEquiv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_TypeDynamicCast()

SWIGRUNTIME swig_type_info * SWIG_TypeDynamicCast ( swig_type_info ty,
void **  ptr 

Definition at line 625 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References swig_type_info::dcast.

◆ SWIG_TypeEquiv()

SWIGRUNTIME int SWIG_TypeEquiv ( const char *  nb,
const char *  tb 

Definition at line 555 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References SWIG_TypeCmp().

Referenced by SWIG_TypeQueryModule().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_TypeName()

SWIGRUNTIMEINLINE const char * SWIG_TypeName ( const swig_type_info ty)

Definition at line 639 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References swig_type_info::name.

◆ SWIG_TypeNameComp()

SWIGRUNTIME int SWIG_TypeNameComp ( const char *  f1,
const char *  l1,
const char *  f2,
const char *  l2 

Definition at line 521 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

Referenced by SWIG_TypeCmp().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_TypeNewClientData()

SWIGRUNTIME void SWIG_TypeNewClientData ( swig_type_info ti,
void *  clientdata 

Definition at line 685 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References swig_module_info::clientdata, swig_type_info::owndata, and SWIG_TypeClientData().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_TypePrettyName()

SWIGRUNTIME const char * SWIG_TypePrettyName ( const swig_type_info type)

Definition at line 648 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References s::name, NULL, and type.

◆ SWIG_TypeQueryModule()

SWIGRUNTIME swig_type_info * SWIG_TypeQueryModule ( swig_module_info start,
swig_module_info end,
const char *  name 

Definition at line 744 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References swig_module_info::next, swig_module_info::size, swig_type_info::str, SWIG_MangledTypeQueryModule(), SWIG_TypeEquiv(), and swig_module_info::types.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_UnpackData()

SWIGRUNTIME const char * SWIG_UnpackData ( const char *  c,
void *  ptr,
size_t  sz 

Definition at line 789 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

Referenced by SWIG_Ruby_ConvertPacked(), SWIG_UnpackDataName(), and SWIG_UnpackVoidPtr().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_UnpackDataName()

SWIGRUNTIME const char * SWIG_UnpackDataName ( const char *  c,
void *  ptr,
size_t  sz,
const char *  name 

Definition at line 856 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References SWIG_UnpackData().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SWIG_UnpackVoidPtr()

SWIGRUNTIME const char * SWIG_UnpackVoidPtr ( const char *  c,
void **  ptr,
const char *  name 

Definition at line 828 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

References SWIG_UnpackData().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ tailof()

Agnode_t * tailof ( Agedge_t e)

Definition at line 295 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_tailof().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tred()

bool tred ( Agraph_t g)

Definition at line 728 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_tred().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ write() [1/2]

bool write ( Agraph_t g,
const char *  filename 

Definition at line 717 of file gv.cpp.

Referenced by _wrap_write__SWIG_0(), and _wrap_write__SWIG_1().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ write() [2/2]

bool write ( Agraph_t g,
FILE *  f 

Definition at line 710 of file gv.cpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ _cSWIG_Pointer

VALUE _cSWIG_Pointer = Qnil

Definition at line 1480 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

Referenced by SWIG_Ruby_define_class().

◆ _mSWIG

◆ _swigc__p_Agedge_t

swig_cast_info _swigc__p_Agedge_t[] = { {&_swigt__p_Agedge_t, 0, 0, 0},{0, 0, 0, 0}}

Definition at line 6231 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ _swigc__p_Agnode_t

swig_cast_info _swigc__p_Agnode_t[] = { {&_swigt__p_Agnode_t, 0, 0, 0},{0, 0, 0, 0}}

Definition at line 6232 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ _swigc__p_Agraph_t

swig_cast_info _swigc__p_Agraph_t[] = { {&_swigt__p_Agraph_t, 0, 0, 0},{0, 0, 0, 0}}

Definition at line 6233 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ _swigc__p_Agsym_t

swig_cast_info _swigc__p_Agsym_t[] = { {&_swigt__p_Agsym_t, 0, 0, 0},{0, 0, 0, 0}}

Definition at line 6234 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ _swigc__p_char

swig_cast_info _swigc__p_char[] = { {&_swigt__p_char, 0, 0, 0},{0, 0, 0, 0}}

Definition at line 6236 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ _swigc__p_FILE

swig_cast_info _swigc__p_FILE[] = { {&_swigt__p_FILE, 0, 0, 0},{0, 0, 0, 0}}

Definition at line 6235 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ _swigt__p_Agedge_t

swig_type_info _swigt__p_Agedge_t = {"_p_Agedge_t", "Agedge_t *", 0, 0, (void*)0, 0}

Definition at line 6215 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ _swigt__p_Agnode_t

swig_type_info _swigt__p_Agnode_t = {"_p_Agnode_t", "Agnode_t *", 0, 0, (void*)0, 0}

Definition at line 6216 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ _swigt__p_Agraph_t

swig_type_info _swigt__p_Agraph_t = {"_p_Agraph_t", "Agraph_t *", 0, 0, (void*)0, 0}

Definition at line 6217 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ _swigt__p_Agsym_t

swig_type_info _swigt__p_Agsym_t = {"_p_Agsym_t", "Agsym_t *", 0, 0, (void*)0, 0}

Definition at line 6218 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ _swigt__p_char

swig_type_info _swigt__p_char = {"_p_char", "char *", 0, 0, (void*)0, 0}

Definition at line 6220 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ _swigt__p_FILE

swig_type_info _swigt__p_FILE = {"_p_FILE", "FILE *", 0, 0, (void*)0, 0}

Definition at line 6219 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

◆ mGv


Definition at line 1903 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

Referenced by Init_gv().

◆ swig_arity_id

ID swig_arity_id = 0

Definition at line 1484 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

Referenced by SWIG_Ruby_arity(), and SWIG_Ruby_InitRuntime().

◆ swig_call_id

ID swig_call_id = 0

Definition at line 1485 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

Referenced by SWIG_Ruby_InitRuntime(), and SWIG_Ruby_isCallable().

◆ swig_cast_initial

swig_cast_info* swig_cast_initial[]
Initial value:
= {
static swig_cast_info _swigc__p_Agraph_t[]
Definition gv_ruby.cpp:6233
static swig_cast_info _swigc__p_FILE[]
Definition gv_ruby.cpp:6235
static swig_cast_info _swigc__p_Agnode_t[]
Definition gv_ruby.cpp:6232
static swig_cast_info _swigc__p_char[]
Definition gv_ruby.cpp:6236
static swig_cast_info _swigc__p_Agedge_t[]
Definition gv_ruby.cpp:6231
static swig_cast_info _swigc__p_Agsym_t[]
Definition gv_ruby.cpp:6234

Definition at line 6238 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

Referenced by SWIG_InitializeModule().

◆ swig_lowerthan_id

ID swig_lowerthan_id = 0

Definition at line 1486 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

Referenced by SWIG_Ruby_InitRuntime().

◆ swig_module

swig_module_info swig_module = {swig_types, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0}

Definition at line 1894 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

Referenced by Init_gv(), SWIG_InitializeModule(), and SWIG_PropagateClientData().

◆ swig_ruby_trackings

◆ swig_runtime_data_type_pointer

VALUE swig_runtime_data_type_pointer = Qnil

Definition at line 1481 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

Referenced by SWIG_Ruby_SetModule().

◆ swig_type_initial

swig_type_info* swig_type_initial[]
Initial value:
= {
static swig_type_info _swigt__p_Agsym_t
Definition gv_ruby.cpp:6218
static swig_type_info _swigt__p_Agraph_t
Definition gv_ruby.cpp:6217
static swig_type_info _swigt__p_FILE
Definition gv_ruby.cpp:6219
static swig_type_info _swigt__p_char
Definition gv_ruby.cpp:6220
static swig_type_info _swigt__p_Agnode_t
Definition gv_ruby.cpp:6216
static swig_type_info _swigt__p_Agedge_t
Definition gv_ruby.cpp:6215

Definition at line 6222 of file gv_ruby.cpp.

Referenced by SWIG_InitializeModule().

◆ swig_types

swig_type_info* swig_types[7]

Definition at line 1893 of file gv_ruby.cpp.