Graphviz 12.0.1~dev.20240715.2254
No Matches
gmlparse.c File Reference
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <arith.h>
#include <gml2gv.h>
#include <agxbuf.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <cgraph/alloc.h>
#include <cgraph/exit.h>
#include <cgraph/stack.h>
#include <limits.h>
Include dependency graph for gmlparse.c:

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

union  yyalloc


#define YYBISON   1
#define YYBISON_VERSION   "3.5.1"
#define YYSKELETON_NAME   "yacc.c"
#define YYPURE   0
#define YYPUSH   0
#define YYPULL   1
#define yyparse   gmlparse
#define yylex   gmllex
#define yyerror   gmlerror
#define yydebug   gmldebug
#define yynerrs   gmlnerrs
#define yylval   gmllval
#define yychar   gmlchar
#define YY_CAST(Type, Val)   ((Type) (Val))
#define YY_REINTERPRET_CAST(Type, Val)   ((Type) (Val))
#define YY_NULLPTR   ((void*)0)
#define GMLDEBUG   0
#define GRAPH   258
#define NODE   259
#define EDGE   260
#define DIRECTED   261
#define SOURCE   262
#define TARGET   263
#define XVAL   264
#define YVAL   265
#define WVAL   266
#define HVAL   267
#define LABEL   268
#define GRAPHICS   269
#define LABELGRAPHICS   270
#define TYPE   271
#define FILL   272
#define OUTLINE   273
#define OUTLINESTYLE   274
#define OUTLINEWIDTH   275
#define WIDTH   276
#define STYLE   277
#define LINE   278
#define POINT   279
#define TEXT   280
#define FONTSIZE   281
#define FONTNAME   282
#define COLOR   283
#define INTEGER   284
#define REAL   285
#define STRING   286
#define ID   287
#define NAME   288
#define LIST   289
#define YYPTRDIFF_T   long
#define YYSIZE_T   unsigned
#define YYSIZEOF(X)   YY_CAST (YYPTRDIFF_T, sizeof (X))
#define YY_(Msgid)   Msgid
#define YYUSE(E)   ((void) (E))
#define YY_INITIAL_VALUE(Value)   Value
#define YY_ASSERT(E)   ((void) (0 && (E)))
#define YYMALLOC   malloc
#define YYFREE   free
#define YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM   (YYSIZEOF (union yyalloc) - 1)
#define YYCOPY_NEEDED   1
#define YYSTACK_RELOCATE(Stack_alloc, Stack)
#define YYFINAL   55
#define YYLAST   226
#define YYNTOKENS   37
#define YYNNTS   20
#define YYNRULES   63
#define YYNSTATES   102
#define YYUNDEFTOK   2
#define YYMAXUTOK   289
#define YYTRANSLATE(YYX)    (0 <= (YYX) && (YYX) <= YYMAXUTOK ? yytranslate[YYX] : YYUNDEFTOK)
#define YYPACT_NINF   (-29)
#define yypact_value_is_default(Yyn)    ((Yyn) == YYPACT_NINF)
#define YYTABLE_NINF   (-35)
#define yytable_value_is_error(Yyn)    0
#define yyerrok   (yyerrstatus = 0)
#define yyclearin   (yychar = YYEMPTY)
#define YYEMPTY   (-2)
#define YYEOF   0
#define YYACCEPT   goto yyacceptlab
#define YYABORT   goto yyabortlab
#define YYERROR   goto yyerrorlab
#define YYRECOVERING()   (!!yyerrstatus)
#define YYBACKUP(Token, Value)
#define YYTERROR   1
#define YYERRCODE   256
#define YYDPRINTF(Args)
#define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Type, Value, Location)
#define YY_STACK_PRINT(Bottom, Top)
#define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Rule)
#define YYINITDEPTH   200
#define YYMAXDEPTH   10000
#define YYPOPSTACK(N)   (yyvsp -= (N), yyssp -= (N))


typedef signed char yytype_int8
typedef short yytype_int16
typedef unsigned char yytype_uint8
typedef unsigned short yytype_uint16
typedef yytype_int8 yy_state_t
typedef int yy_state_fast_t


enum  gmltokentype {
  GRAPH = 258 , NODE = 259 , EDGE = 260 , DIRECTED = 261 ,
  SOURCE = 262 , TARGET = 263 , XVAL = 264 , YVAL = 265 ,
  WVAL = 266 , HVAL = 267 , LABEL = 268 , GRAPHICS = 269 ,
  LABELGRAPHICS = 270 , TYPE = 271 , FILL = 272 , OUTLINE = 273 ,
  OUTLINESTYLE = 274 , OUTLINEWIDTH = 275 , WIDTH = 276 , STYLE = 277 ,
  LINE = 278 , POINT = 279 , TEXT = 280 , FONTSIZE = 281 ,
  FONTNAME = 282 , COLOR = 283 , INTEGER = 284 , REAL = 285 ,
  STRING = 286 , ID = 287 , NAME = 288 , LIST = 289


static void free_attr (void *attr)
static char * sortToStr (unsigned short sort)
static void free_node (void *node)
static void free_edge (void *edge)
static void free_graph (void *graph)
static void cleanup (void)
static void pushAlist (void)
static Dt_tpopAlist (void)
static void popG (void)
static void pushG (void)
static gmlnodemkNode (void)
static gmledgemkEdge (void)
static gmlattrmkAttr (char *name, unsigned short sort, unsigned short kind, char *str, Dt_t *list)
static int setDir (char *d)
int gmlparse (void)
void * malloc (YYSIZE_T)
void free (void *)
static void yydestruct (const char *yymsg, int yytype, YYSTYPE *yyvaluep)
static void deparseList (Dt_t *alist, agxbuf *xb)
static void deparseAttr (gmlattr *ap, agxbuf *xb)
static void unknown (Agobj_t *obj, gmlattr *ap, agxbuf *xb)
static void addNodeLabelGraphics (Agnode_t *np, Dt_t *alist, agxbuf *unk)
static void addEdgeLabelGraphics (Agedge_t *ep, Dt_t *alist, agxbuf *xb, agxbuf *unk)
static void addNodeGraphics (Agnode_t *np, Dt_t *alist, agxbuf *xb, agxbuf *unk)
static void addEdgePoint (Agedge_t *ep, Dt_t *alist, agxbuf *xb)
static void addEdgePos (Agedge_t *ep, Dt_t *alist, agxbuf *xb)
static void addEdgeGraphics (Agedge_t *ep, Dt_t *alist, agxbuf *xb, agxbuf *unk)
static void addAttrs (Agobj_t *obj, Dt_t *alist, agxbuf *xb, agxbuf *unk)
static Agraph_tmkGraph (gmlgraph *graph, Agraph_t *parent, char *name, agxbuf *xb, agxbuf *unk)
Agraph_tgml_to_gv (char *name, FILE *fp, int cnt, int *errors)


static gmlgraphG
static gmlnodeN
static gmledgeE
static Dt_tL
static gv_stack_t liststk
static Dtdisc_t nodeDisc
static Dtdisc_t edgeDisc
static Dtdisc_t attrDisc
static Dtdisc_t graphDisc
GMLSTYPE gmllval
static const yytype_int8 yytranslate []
static const yytype_int16 yypact []
static const yytype_int8 yydefact []
static const yytype_int16 yypgoto []
static const yytype_int8 yydefgoto []
static const yytype_int8 yytable []
static const yytype_int8 yycheck []
static const yytype_int8 yystos []
static const yytype_int8 yyr1 []
static const yytype_int8 yyr2 []
int yychar
YYSTYPE yylval
int yynerrs

Macro Definition Documentation


#define COLOR   283

Definition at line 411 of file gmlparse.c.


#define DIRECTED   261

Definition at line 389 of file gmlparse.c.


#define EDGE   260

Definition at line 388 of file gmlparse.c.


#define FILL   272

Definition at line 400 of file gmlparse.c.


#define FONTNAME   282

Definition at line 410 of file gmlparse.c.


#define FONTSIZE   281

Definition at line 409 of file gmlparse.c.


#define GMLDEBUG   0

Definition at line 339 of file gmlparse.c.



Definition at line 437 of file gmlparse.c.



Definition at line 436 of file gmlparse.c.



Definition at line 348 of file gmlparse.c.


#define GRAPH   258

Definition at line 386 of file gmlparse.c.


#define GRAPHICS   269

Definition at line 397 of file gmlparse.c.


#define HVAL   267

Definition at line 395 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ ID

#define ID   287

Definition at line 415 of file gmlparse.c.




#define LABEL   268

Definition at line 396 of file gmlparse.c.


#define LABELGRAPHICS   270

Definition at line 398 of file gmlparse.c.


#define LINE   278

Definition at line 406 of file gmlparse.c.


#define LIST   289

Definition at line 417 of file gmlparse.c.


#define NAME   288

Definition at line 416 of file gmlparse.c.


#define NODE   259

Definition at line 387 of file gmlparse.c.


#define OUTLINE   273

Definition at line 401 of file gmlparse.c.


#define OUTLINESTYLE   274

Definition at line 402 of file gmlparse.c.


#define OUTLINEWIDTH   275

Definition at line 403 of file gmlparse.c.


#define POINT   279

Definition at line 407 of file gmlparse.c.



Definition at line 413 of file gmlparse.c.

Referenced by sortToStr().


#define SOURCE   262

Definition at line 390 of file gmlparse.c.



#define STYLE   277

Definition at line 405 of file gmlparse.c.


#define TARGET   263

Definition at line 391 of file gmlparse.c.


#define TEXT   280

Definition at line 408 of file gmlparse.c.


#define TYPE   271

Definition at line 399 of file gmlparse.c.


#define WIDTH   276

Definition at line 404 of file gmlparse.c.


#define WVAL   266

Definition at line 394 of file gmlparse.c.


#define XVAL   264

Definition at line 392 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YVAL   265

Definition at line 393 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ YY_

#define YY_ (   Msgid)    Msgid

Definition at line 559 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YY_ASSERT (   E)    ((void) (0 && (E)))

Definition at line 618 of file gmlparse.c.



Definition at line 567 of file gmlparse.c.



Definition at line 575 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YY_CAST (   Type,
)    ((Type) (Val))

Definition at line 302 of file gmlparse.c.



Definition at line 329 of file gmlparse.c.



Definition at line 598 of file gmlparse.c.



Definition at line 599 of file gmlparse.c.



Definition at line 613 of file gmlparse.c.



Definition at line 614 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YY_INITIAL_VALUE (   Value)    Value

Definition at line 595 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YY_NULLPTR   ((void*)0)

Definition at line 314 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YY_REDUCE_PRINT (   Rule)

Definition at line 1169 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YY_REINTERPRET_CAST (   Type,
)    ((Type) (Val))

Definition at line 303 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YY_STACK_PRINT (   Bottom,

Definition at line 1168 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT (   Title,

Definition at line 1167 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYABORT   goto yyabortlab

Definition at line 1012 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYACCEPT   goto yyacceptlab

Definition at line 1011 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYBACKUP (   Token,
do \
if (yychar == YYEMPTY) \
{ \
yychar = (Token); \
yylval = (Value); \
YYPOPSTACK (yylen); \
yystate = *yyssp; \
goto yybackup; \
} \
else \
{ \
yyerror (YY_("syntax error: cannot back up")); \
} \
while (0)
#define YY_(Msgid)
Definition gmlparse.c:559
#define yychar
Definition gmlparse.c:74
#define yylval
Definition gmlparse.c:73
#define YYEMPTY
Definition gmlparse.c:1008
#define YYERROR
Definition gmlparse.c:1013

Definition at line 1018 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYBISON   1

Definition at line 48 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYBISON_VERSION   "3.5.1"

Definition at line 51 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yychar

#define yychar   gmlchar

Definition at line 74 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yyclearin

#define yyclearin   (yychar = YYEMPTY)

Definition at line 1007 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYCOPY_NEEDED   1

Definition at line 708 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yydebug

#define yydebug   gmldebug

Definition at line 71 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYDPRINTF (   Args)

Definition at line 1166 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYEMPTY   (-2)

Definition at line 1008 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYEOF   0

Definition at line 1009 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYERRCODE   256

Definition at line 1037 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yyerrok

#define yyerrok   (yyerrstatus = 0)

Definition at line 1006 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yyerror

#define yyerror   gmlerror

Definition at line 70 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYERROR   goto yyerrorlab

Definition at line 1013 of file gmlparse.c.



Definition at line 323 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYFINAL   55

Definition at line 749 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYFREE   free

Definition at line 679 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYINITDEPTH   200

Definition at line 1175 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYLAST   226

Definition at line 751 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yylex

int yylex   gmllex

Definition at line 69 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yylval

#define yylval   gmllval

Definition at line 73 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYMALLOC   malloc

Definition at line 673 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYMAXDEPTH   10000

Definition at line 1186 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYMAXUTOK   289

Definition at line 763 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yynerrs

#define yynerrs   gmlnerrs

Definition at line 72 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYNNTS   20

Definition at line 756 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYNRULES   63

Definition at line 758 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYNSTATES   102

Definition at line 760 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYNTOKENS   37

Definition at line 754 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYPACT_NINF   (-29)

Definition at line 848 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yypact_value_is_default

#define yypact_value_is_default (   Yyn)     ((Yyn) == YYPACT_NINF)

Definition at line 850 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yyparse

int yyparse (   void)    gmlparse

Definition at line 1456 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYPOPSTACK (   N)    (yyvsp -= (N), yyssp -= (N))



Definition at line 520 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYPTRDIFF_T   long

Definition at line 519 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYPULL   1

Definition at line 63 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYPURE   0

Definition at line 57 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYPUSH   0

Definition at line 60 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYRECOVERING ( )    (!!yyerrstatus)

Definition at line 1016 of file gmlparse.c.


: YY_CAST (YYSIZE_T, -1)))
Definition gmlparse.c:520
#define YY_CAST(Type, Val)
Definition gmlparse.c:302
#define YYSIZE_T
Definition gmlparse.c:533
Definition gmlparse.c:519

Definition at line 537 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYSIZE_T   unsigned

Definition at line 533 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYSIZEOF (   X)    YY_CAST (YYPTRDIFF_T, sizeof (X))

Definition at line 543 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYSKELETON_NAME   "yacc.c"

Definition at line 54 of file gmlparse.c.



Definition at line 659 of file gmlparse.c.



Definition at line 662 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYSTACK_BYTES (   N)
static gmlnode * N
Definition gmlparse.c:90
#define YYSTYPE
Definition gmlparse.c:66
#define YYSIZEOF(X)
Definition gmlparse.c:543
yytype_int8 yy_state_t
Definition gmlparse.c:546
Definition gmlparse.c:700

Definition at line 704 of file gmlparse.c.



Definition at line 660 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM   (YYSIZEOF (union yyalloc) - 1)

Definition at line 700 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYSTACK_RELOCATE (   Stack_alloc,
do \
{ \
YYPTRDIFF_T yynewbytes; \
YYCOPY (&yyptr->Stack_alloc, Stack, yysize); \
Stack = &yyptr->Stack_alloc; \
yynewbytes = yystacksize * YYSIZEOF (*Stack) + YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM; \
yyptr += yynewbytes / YYSIZEOF (*yyptr); \
} \
while (0)

Definition at line 715 of file gmlparse.c.



Definition at line 66 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYTABLE_NINF   (-35)

Definition at line 853 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yytable_value_is_error

#define yytable_value_is_error (   Yyn)     0

Definition at line 855 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYTERROR   1

Definition at line 1036 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYTRANSLATE (   YYX)     (0 <= (YYX) && (YYX) <= YYMAXUTOK ? yytranslate[YYX] : YYUNDEFTOK)

Definition at line 768 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYUNDEFTOK   2

Definition at line 762 of file gmlparse.c.


#define YYUSE (   E)    ((void) (E))

Definition at line 581 of file gmlparse.c.

Typedef Documentation



Definition at line 435 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yy_state_fast_t

typedef int yy_state_fast_t

Definition at line 549 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yy_state_t

Definition at line 546 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yytype_int16

typedef short yytype_int16

Definition at line 483 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yytype_int8

typedef signed char yytype_int8

Definition at line 475 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yytype_uint16

typedef unsigned short yytype_uint16

Definition at line 503 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yytype_uint8

typedef unsigned char yytype_uint8

Definition at line 492 of file gmlparse.c.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ gmltokentype


Definition at line 349 of file gmlparse.c.

Function Documentation

◆ addAttrs()

static void addAttrs ( Agobj_t obj,
Dt_t alist,
agxbuf xb,
agxbuf unk 

Definition at line 2526 of file gmlparse.c.

References addEdgeGraphics(), addEdgeLabelGraphics(), addNodeGraphics(), addNodeLabelGraphics(), AGEDGE, AGNODE, AGRAPH, agsafeset(), AGTYPE, dtfirst, dtnext, GRAPHICS, LABEL, LABELGRAPHICS, gmlattr::lp, gmlattr::sort, gmlattr::u, unknown, and gmlattr::value.

Referenced by mkGraph().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addEdgeGraphics()

static void addEdgeGraphics ( Agedge_t ep,
Dt_t alist,
agxbuf xb,
agxbuf unk 

Definition at line 2488 of file gmlparse.c.

References addEdgePos(), agsafeset(), agxbclear(), agxbput(), agxbputc(), agxbuse(), cnt(), deparseAttr(), dtfirst, dtnext, FILL, LINE, gmlattr::lp, gmlattr::sort, STYLE, gmlattr::u, gmlattr::value, and WIDTH.

Referenced by addAttrs().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addEdgeLabelGraphics()

static void addEdgeLabelGraphics ( Agedge_t ep,
Dt_t alist,
agxbuf xb,
agxbuf unk 

Definition at line 2330 of file gmlparse.c.

References agsafeset(), agxbclear(), agxbprint(), agxbput(), agxbputc(), agxbuse(), cnt(), COLOR, deparseAttr(), dtfirst, dtnext, FONTNAME, FONTSIZE, gmlattr::sort, TEXT, gmlattr::u, gmlattr::value, XVAL, and YVAL.

Referenced by addAttrs().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addEdgePoint()

static void addEdgePoint ( Agedge_t ep,
Dt_t alist,
agxbuf xb 

Definition at line 2446 of file gmlparse.c.

References agxblen(), agxbprint(), agxbputc(), dtfirst, dtnext, gmlattr::sort, gmlattr::u, unknown, gmlattr::value, XVAL, and YVAL.

Referenced by addEdgePos().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addEdgePos()

static void addEdgePos ( Agedge_t ep,
Dt_t alist,
agxbuf xb 

Definition at line 2470 of file gmlparse.c.

References addEdgePoint(), agsafeset(), agxbuse(), dtfirst, dtnext, gmlattr::lp, POINT, gmlattr::sort, gmlattr::u, and unknown.

Referenced by addEdgeGraphics().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addNodeGraphics()

static void addNodeGraphics ( Agnode_t np,
Dt_t alist,
agxbuf xb,
agxbuf unk 

Definition at line 2382 of file gmlparse.c.

References agsafeset(), agxbclear(), agxbprint(), agxbput(), agxbputc(), agxbuse(), cnt(), deparseAttr(), dtfirst, dtnext, FILL, HVAL, OUTLINE, OUTLINESTYLE, OUTLINEWIDTH, gmlattr::sort, STYLE, TYPE, gmlattr::u, gmlattr::value, WIDTH, WVAL, XVAL, and YVAL.

Referenced by addAttrs().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addNodeLabelGraphics()

static void addNodeLabelGraphics ( Agnode_t np,
Dt_t alist,
agxbuf unk 

Definition at line 2290 of file gmlparse.c.

References agsafeset(), agxbclear(), agxbput(), agxbputc(), agxbuse(), cnt(), COLOR, deparseAttr(), dtfirst, dtnext, FONTNAME, FONTSIZE, gmlattr::sort, TEXT, gmlattr::u, and gmlattr::value.

Referenced by addAttrs().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cleanup()

static void cleanup ( void  )

Definition at line 155 of file gmlparse.c.

References dtclose(), E, free_edge(), free_graph(), free_node(), G, L, liststk, N, NULL, stack_is_empty(), stack_pop(), and stack_reset().

Referenced by gml_to_gv(), gml_to_gv(), gvpr_core(), and traverse().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ deparseAttr()

static void deparseAttr ( gmlattr ap,
agxbuf xb 

Definition at line 2247 of file gmlparse.c.

References agxbprint(), deparseList(), gmlattr::kind, LIST, gmlattr::lp, gmlattr::name, STRING, gmlattr::u, and gmlattr::value.

Referenced by addEdgeGraphics(), addEdgeLabelGraphics(), addNodeGraphics(), addNodeLabelGraphics(), and deparseList().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ deparseList()

static void deparseList ( Dt_t alist,
agxbuf xb 

Definition at line 2262 of file gmlparse.c.

References agxbput(), agxbputc(), deparseAttr(), dtfirst, and dtnext.

Referenced by deparseAttr(), and unknown().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ free()

void free ( void *  )

Referenced by _spline_edges(), _wrap_digraph_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_edge__SWIG_1_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_edge__SWIG_2_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_edge__SWIG_3_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_findattr__SWIG_0_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_findattr__SWIG_1_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_findattr__SWIG_2_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_findnode_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_findsubg_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_0_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_1_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_2_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_graph__SWIG_0_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_graph__SWIG_1_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_layout_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_node_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_read__SWIG_0_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_readstring_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_render__SWIG_1_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_render__SWIG_2_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_render__SWIG_3_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_renderchannel_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_renderdata_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_renderresult_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_0_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_1_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_2_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_3_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_4_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_5_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_strictdigraph_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_strictgraph_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_write__SWIG_0_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), addPS(), addXLabels(), adjustGrid(), agclose(), agdictobjfree(), agfree(), aglasterr(), agxbfree(), agxbput_move(), allocate_ranks(), arrayRects(), attach_edge_label_coordinates(), attached_clustering(), attachOrthoEdges(), bitarray_reset(), breakPoly(), buildBindings(), bundle(), cAdjust(), cairogen_begin_anchor(), call_tri(), call_tri2(), cccomps(), ccomps(), cg(), circo_cleanup(), circo_layout(), circoLayout(), circuitModel(), class2(), cleanup1(), cleanup2(), cleanup_graphs(), cleanup_subgs(), clear_color_theme(), clear_selpoly(), clearGrid(), cloneGraph(), closeDerivedGraph(), closeGPRState(), closeIngraph(), coarsen_match(), color(), color_blend_rgb2lab(), colorxlate(), compute_apsp_artificial_weights_packed(), compute_apsp_packed(), compute_new_weights(), compute_weighted_apsp_packed(), computeScaleXY(), concat(), conjugate_gradient(), conjugate_gradient(), conjugate_gradient_f(), conjugate_gradient_mkernel(), conn_comp(), construct_graph(), construct_trapezoids(), cvtAndAppend(), delGrid(), diagonals_draw(), dijkstra(), dijkstra_f(), dijkstra_sgd(), doDot(), dot_cleanup_graph(), dot_splines_(), dotneato_args_initialize(), dtclose(), dthash(), dtlist(), dtmethod(), dtopen(), dtstat(), dttree(), edge_distinct_coloring(), ELcleanup(), embed_graph(), EmbedText(), emit_background(), emit_begin_edge(), emit_clusters(), emit_colors(), emit_edge_graphics(), emit_end_node(), emit_html_cell(), emit_html_label(), emit_html_tbl(), emit_map_rect(), emit_page(), emit_xdot(), epsf_free(), eval(), evaldyn(), exccclose(), exerror(), expandCluster(), exwarn(), fdp_cleanup_graph(), feasible_tree(), fillRanks(), find_closest_pairs(), find_ints(), find_ints(), find_me(), find_pair_edges(), find_share(), find_tight_subtree(), fixLabelOrder(), fmtquote(), free_3array(), free_adjacency(), free_array(), free_attr(), free_attr(), free_edge(), free_field(), free_graph(), free_graph(), free_html_cell(), free_html_data(), free_html_img(), free_html_label(), free_html_tbl(), free_html_text(), free_iditem(), free_label(), free_matrix(), free_node(), free_scan_graph(), free_stroke(), free_swig_member_function(), free_textspan(), free_virtual_edge_list(), free_virtual_node_list(), freeBlock(), freeBlock(), freeBlocks(), freeCaseList(), freeChanItem(), freeChannel(), freeCompileProg(), freeDerivedGraph(), freeDeriveNode(), freef(), freeGData(), freeGraph(), freeGraphData(), freeHeap(), freeHeap(), freeinit(), freeList(), freeMaze(), freeNodes(), freeOpts(), freeParseProg(), freePath(), freeQueue(), freeRouter(), freeSegs(), freeSGraph(), freeTree(), freeTree(), freeTreeGen(), freeTriGraph(), freeTripoly(), freeUsershape(), freeXDot(), freeXDotColor(), freeXOpData(), gdgen_text(), gen(), genPoly(), genroute(), get_data_dir(), get_mq(), get_poly_lines(), get_polygon_solids(), get_polygons(), get_tri(), glCompDeleteTexture(), glCompImageDelete(), glCompSetAddNewTexLabel(), glCompSetAddNewTexture(), glDeleteFont(), graph_cleanup(), graphviz_tred(), gv_cleanup_edge(), gv_cleanup_node(), gv_fixLocale(), gv_flist_free_af(), gv_free_splines(), gv_realloc(), gvconfig(), gvevent_enter_obj(), gvevent_select_current_obj(), gvFreeCloneGVC(), gvFreeContext(), gvFreeRenderData(), gvjobs_delete(), gvplugin_graph(), gvplugin_library_load(), gvpr_select(), gvrender_beziercurve(), gvrender_polygon(), gvrender_polyline(), gvrender_resolve_color(), gwrite(), hierachical_modularity_clustering(), hierachical_mq_clustering(), ideal_distance_matrix(), Import_coord_clusters_from_dot(), init_job_viewport(), init_layering(), initObjMapData(), insertPS(), IntDest(), interpolate_coord(), iterativePCA_1D(), kitty_write(), lab_gamut_quadtree(), layout(), layout(), layoutTree(), load_mouse_actions(), lu_decompose(), main(), main(), majorization(), make_coarse_ex_graph(), make_coarse_graph(), make_flat_bottom_edges(), make_flat_edge(), make_flat_labeled_edge(), make_html_label(), make_label(), make_leafslots(), make_map_from_rectangle_groups(), make_map_internal(), make_regular_edge(), makeCompoundEdge(), makeDotGraph(), makeGraphData(), makeHier(), makeInfo(), makeMap(), makeMatrix(), makeMultiSpline(), makeSelfArcs(), makeSierpinski(), makeSimpleFlatLabels(), makeSpline(), makeStraightEdge(), makeTetrix(), makeXDotSpline(), map_label(), map_optimal_coloring(), map_output_bspline(), map_palette_optimal_coloring(), map_point(), mapFromGraph(), matinv(), maximal_independent_edge_set_heavest_edge_pernode_supernodes_first(), maxmatch(), mkBlock(), mkMaze(), mkMazeGraph(), mkPoly(), mkRouter(), monotonate_trapezoids(), move_node(), multicolor(), Multilevel_coarsen_internal(), Multilevel_delete(), Multilevel_Modularity_Clustering_delete(), Multilevel_Modularity_Clustering_establish(), Multilevel_Modularity_Clustering_init(), Multilevel_MQ_Clustering_delete(), Multilevel_MQ_Clustering_establish(), multilevel_spring_electrical_embedding(), myagxset(), neato_cleanup_graph(), neato_layout(), new_ing(), node_data_delete(), node_distinct_coloring(), node_distinct_coloring_internal2(), node_set_add(), node_set_free(), nodes_delete(), object_color(), on_gvprbuttonsave_clicked(), orthoEdges(), out(), packGraphs(), packRects(), pango_textlayout(), parse_error(), parse_layerselect(), parsePolyline(), parseProg(), parseXDotFOn(), partition(), patchwork_cleanup(), patchwork_cleanup_graph(), PCA_alloc(), Plegal_arrangement(), Plegal_arrangement(), Pobsclose(), Pobsopen(), Pobspath(), poly_free(), poly_gencode(), polyFree(), polyGraphs(), polyRects(), pop(), pop_obj_state(), position(), positionAllItems(), pov_bezier(), pov_ellipse(), pov_polygon(), pov_polyline(), pov_textspan(), power_iteration(), power_law_graph(), power_method(), PQcleanup(), PQfree(), prepare_topological_fisheye(), prformat(), print(), printSorted(), ps_freeimage(), ps_image_free(), ps_string(), Pshortestpath(), Ptriangulate(), putGraphs(), QuadTree_delete(), QuadTree_new_from_point_list(), queue_free(), RBDelete(), RBTreeCreate(), RBTreeDestroy(), readln(), readout_levels(), record_gencode(), record_init(), remove_aux_edges(), remove_poly(), remove_rankleaders(), removeOverlapWith(), rescale_layout_polar(), rescale_layout_polarFocus(), reset_lists(), resetCoord(), resolve(), restore_old_weights(), round_corners(), rounded_draw(), routesplines_(), RTreeClose(), RTreeClose2(), RTreeLeafListFree(), safefile(), scAdjust(), scan(), scanArgs(), selectedLayer(), set_active_levels(), setAbsolutePos(), setDir(), setval(), sfdp_layout(), sfdpLayout(), sgd(), shortest_path(), shortestPath(), shorting_edge_label_nodes(), simpleSplineRoute(), size_html_txt(), solve(), sparse_stress_subspace_majorization_kD(), SparseMatrix_add(), SparseMatrix_decompose_to_supervariables(), SparseMatrix_delete(), SparseMatrix_distance_matrix(), SparseMatrix_get_augmented(), SparseMatrix_get_submatrix(), SparseMatrix_import_dot(), SparseMatrix_import_matrix_market(), SparseMatrix_is_symmetric(), SparseMatrix_multiply(), SparseMatrix_multiply3(), SparseMatrix_set_entries_to_real_one(), SparseMatrix_solve(), SparseMatrix_sum_repeat_entries(), SparseMatrix_weakly_connected_components(), splines_intersect(), splitBSpline(), spring_electrical_control_delete(), spring_electrical_embedding(), spring_electrical_embedding_fast(), spring_electrical_embedding_slow(), spring_electrical_spring_embedding(), SpringSmoother_new(), stoj(), stress_majorization_kD_mkernel(), StressMajorizationSmoother2_new(), StressMajorizationSmoother_delete(), StressMajorizationSmoother_smooth(), subset_model(), svg_begin_edge(), svg_size(), Swig_free(), SWIG_Ruby_define_class(), SWIG_Ruby_NewPointerObj(), SWIG_Tcl_ObjectDelete(), swig_varlink_dealloc(), SwigPyClientData_Del(), SwigPyClientData_New(), SwigPyPacked_dealloc(), taper(), TB_balance(), Tcldot_Init(), tclhandleExpandTable(), textfont_freef(), translate_postscript_fontname(), TreeDestHelper(), TriangleSmoother_new(), triPath(), twopi_cleanup_graph(), twopi_layout(), undoClusterEdges(), update_tree(), user_init(), user_spline(), usershape_close(), vc_refresh(), vector_ordering(), vgpane(), vgpanecmd(), vmclear(), vmclose(), vmfree(), write_edges(), xdot_end_graph(), xlfree(), and xlhdxunload().

◆ free_attr()

static void free_attr ( void *  attr)

Definition at line 2233 of file gmlparse.c.

References dtclose(), free(), gmlattr::kind, LIST, gmlattr::lp, gmlattr::name, gmlattr::u, and gmlattr::value.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ free_edge()

static void free_edge ( void *  edge)

Definition at line 105 of file gmlparse.c.

References gmledge::attrlist, dtclose(), edge, and free().

Referenced by cleanup().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ free_graph()

static void free_graph ( void *  graph)

Definition at line 112 of file gmlparse.c.

References gmlgraph::attrlist, dtclose(), gmlgraph::edgelist, free(), graph(), gmlgraph::graphlist, and gmlgraph::nodelist.

Referenced by cleanup(), and freeChannel().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ free_node()

static void free_node ( void *  node)

Definition at line 98 of file gmlparse.c.

References gmlnode::attrlist, dtclose(), and free().

Referenced by cleanup().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gml_to_gv()

Agraph_t * gml_to_gv ( char *  name,
FILE *  fp,
int  cnt,
int *  errors 

Definition at line 2609 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ gmlparse()

int gmlparse ( void  )

Referenced by gml_to_gv(), and gml_to_gv().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ malloc()

void * malloc ( YYSIZE_T  )

Referenced by _swig_create_magic(), _wrap_digraph_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_edge__SWIG_1_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_edge__SWIG_2_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_edge__SWIG_3_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_findattr__SWIG_0_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_findattr__SWIG_1_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_findattr__SWIG_2_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_findnode_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_findsubg_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_0_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_1_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_2_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_graph__SWIG_0_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_graph__SWIG_1_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_layout_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_node_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_read__SWIG_0_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_readstring_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_render__SWIG_1_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_render__SWIG_2_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_render__SWIG_3_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_renderchannel_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_renderdata_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_renderresult_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_0_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_1_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_2_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_3_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_4_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_5_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_strictdigraph_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_strictgraph_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), _wrap_write__SWIG_0_gv_df6ccae4f7b80b45(), agstrdup_internal(), cairogen_begin_anchor(), cloneGraph(), core_loadimage_ps(), dthash(), dtlist(), dtopen(), dtstat(), dttree(), gvRenderData(), lab_gamut(), main(), make_msg(), myagxget(), myiddisc_open(), new_ing(), out(), Pobsopen(), prformat(), RBTreeCreate(), RBTreeInsert(), renderresult(), Swig_AllocateString(), SWIG_Guile_NewMemberObj(), Swig_malloc(), SWIG_Python_addvarlink(), SWIG_Python_FixMethods(), SWIG_Ruby_define_class(), SWIG_Ruby_NewPointerObj(), SWIG_Tcl_NewInstanceObj(), SWIG_Tcl_ObjectConstructor(), SwigPyClientData_New(), SwigPyPacked_New(), tclhandleExpandTable(), tclhandleInit(), and vmalloc().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mkAttr()

static gmlattr * mkAttr ( char *  name,
unsigned short  sort,
unsigned short  kind,
char *  str,
Dt_t list 

Definition at line 247 of file gmlparse.c.

References dtclose(), dtsize(), gv_alloc(), gv_strdup(), gmlattr::kind, kind, gmlattr::lp, gmlattr::name, gmlattr::sort, sortToStr(), str, gmlattr::u, and gmlattr::value.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mkEdge()

static gmledge * mkEdge ( void  )

Definition at line 238 of file gmlparse.c.

References attrDisc, gmledge::attrlist, dtopen(), Dtqueue, gv_alloc(), NULL, gmledge::source, and gmledge::target.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mkGraph()

static Agraph_t * mkGraph ( gmlgraph graph,
Agraph_t parent,
char *  name,
agxbuf xb,
agxbuf unk 

Definition at line 2555 of file gmlparse.c.

References addAttrs(), Agdirected, agedge(), agnode(), agopen(), agsubg(), Agundirected, gmlnode::attrlist, gmledge::attrlist, dtfirst, dtnext, graph(), graphviz_exit(), gmlnode::id, L, mkGraph(), NULL, parent, gmledge::source, and gmledge::target.

Referenced by gml_to_gv(), and mkGraph().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mkNode()

static gmlnode * mkNode ( void  )

Definition at line 229 of file gmlparse.c.

References attrDisc, gmlnode::attrlist, dtopen(), Dtqueue, gv_alloc(), gmlnode::id, and NULL.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ popAlist()

static Dt_t * popAlist ( void  )

Definition at line 192 of file gmlparse.c.

References L, liststk, NULL, stack_is_empty(), and stack_pop().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ popG()

static void popG ( void  )

Definition at line 205 of file gmlparse.c.

References G, and gmlgraph::parent.

◆ pushAlist()

static void pushAlist ( void  )

Definition at line 181 of file gmlparse.c.

References attrDisc, dtopen(), Dtqueue, L, liststk, and stack_push().

Referenced by gml_to_gv(), and gml_to_gv().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pushG()

static void pushG ( void  )

Definition at line 211 of file gmlparse.c.

References attrDisc, gmlgraph::attrlist, gmlgraph::directed, dtinsert, dtopen(), Dtqueue, edgeDisc, gmlgraph::edgelist, G, graphDisc, gmlgraph::graphlist, gv_alloc(), nodeDisc, gmlgraph::nodelist, and gmlgraph::parent.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setDir()

static int setDir ( char *  d)

Definition at line 271 of file gmlparse.c.

References gmlgraph::directed, free(), G, and gmlgraph::parent.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sortToStr()

static char * sortToStr ( unsigned short  sort)

Definition at line 2640 of file gmlparse.c.


Referenced by mkAttr().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ unknown()

static void unknown ( Agobj_t obj,
gmlattr ap,
agxbuf xb 

Definition at line 2276 of file gmlparse.c.

References agsafeset(), agxbuse(), deparseList(), gmlattr::kind, LIST, gmlattr::lp, gmlattr::name, str, gmlattr::u, and gmlattr::value.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ yydestruct()

static void yydestruct ( const char *  yymsg,
int  yytype,
YYSTYPE yyvaluep 

Variable Documentation

◆ attrDisc

Dtdisc_t attrDisc
Initial value:
= {
.key = offsetof(gmlattr, name),
.size = sizeof(char *),
.link = offsetof(gmlattr, link),
.freef = free_attr,
static void free_attr(void *attr)
Definition gmlparse.c:2233

Definition at line 140 of file gmlparse.c.

Referenced by mkEdge(), mkNode(), pushAlist(), and pushG().

◆ E

gmledge* E

Definition at line 91 of file gmlparse.c.

Referenced by cleanup().

◆ edgeDisc

Dtdisc_t edgeDisc
Initial value:
= {
.key = offsetof(gmledge, attrlist),
.size = sizeof(Dt_t *),
.link = offsetof(gmledge, link),
.freef = free_edge,
static void free_edge(void *edge)
Definition gmlparse.c:105
NAME attrlist
Definition gmlparse.y:330
Definition cdt.h:104

Definition at line 133 of file gmlparse.c.

Referenced by pushG().

◆ G

gmlgraph* G

Definition at line 89 of file gmlparse.c.

Referenced by cleanup(), gml_to_gv(), popG(), pushG(), and setDir().

◆ gmllval

GMLSTYPE gmllval

Referenced by endstr(), and endstr().

◆ graphDisc

Dtdisc_t graphDisc
Initial value:
= {
.key = offsetof(gmlgraph, nodelist),
.size = sizeof(Dt_t *),
.link = offsetof(gmlgraph, link),
.freef = free_graph,
static void free_graph(void *graph)
Definition gmlparse.c:112

Definition at line 147 of file gmlparse.c.

Referenced by pushG().

◆ L

Dt_t* L

Definition at line 92 of file gmlparse.c.

Referenced by _wrap_digraph(), _wrap_edge(), _wrap_edge__SWIG_0(), _wrap_edge__SWIG_1(), _wrap_edge__SWIG_2(), _wrap_edge__SWIG_3(), _wrap_findattr(), _wrap_findattr__SWIG_0(), _wrap_findattr__SWIG_1(), _wrap_findattr__SWIG_2(), _wrap_findedge(), _wrap_findnode(), _wrap_findsubg(), _wrap_firstattr(), _wrap_firstattr__SWIG_0(), _wrap_firstattr__SWIG_1(), _wrap_firstattr__SWIG_2(), _wrap_firstedge(), _wrap_firstedge__SWIG_0(), _wrap_firstedge__SWIG_1(), _wrap_firsthead(), _wrap_firstin(), _wrap_firstin__SWIG_0(), _wrap_firstin__SWIG_1(), _wrap_firstnode(), _wrap_firstnode__SWIG_0(), _wrap_firstnode__SWIG_1(), _wrap_firstout(), _wrap_firstout__SWIG_0(), _wrap_firstout__SWIG_1(), _wrap_firstsubg(), _wrap_firstsupg(), _wrap_firsttail(), _wrap_getv(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_0(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_1(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_2(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_3(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_4(), _wrap_getv__SWIG_5(), _wrap_graph(), _wrap_graph__SWIG_0(), _wrap_graph__SWIG_1(), _wrap_graphof(), _wrap_graphof__SWIG_0(), _wrap_graphof__SWIG_1(), _wrap_graphof__SWIG_2(), _wrap_headof(), _wrap_layout(), _wrap_nameof(), _wrap_nameof__SWIG_0(), _wrap_nameof__SWIG_1(), _wrap_nameof__SWIG_2(), _wrap_nextattr(), _wrap_nextattr__SWIG_0(), _wrap_nextattr__SWIG_1(), _wrap_nextattr__SWIG_2(), _wrap_nextedge(), _wrap_nextedge__SWIG_0(), _wrap_nextedge__SWIG_1(), _wrap_nexthead(), _wrap_nextin(), _wrap_nextin__SWIG_0(), _wrap_nextin__SWIG_1(), _wrap_nextnode(), _wrap_nextnode__SWIG_0(), _wrap_nextnode__SWIG_1(), _wrap_nextout(), _wrap_nextout__SWIG_0(), _wrap_nextout__SWIG_1(), _wrap_nextsubg(), _wrap_nextsupg(), _wrap_nexttail(), _wrap_node(), _wrap_ok(), _wrap_ok__SWIG_0(), _wrap_ok__SWIG_1(), _wrap_ok__SWIG_2(), _wrap_ok__SWIG_3(), _wrap_protoedge(), _wrap_protonode(), _wrap_read(), _wrap_read__SWIG_0(), _wrap_read__SWIG_1(), _wrap_readstring(), _wrap_render(), _wrap_render__SWIG_0(), _wrap_render__SWIG_1(), _wrap_render__SWIG_2(), _wrap_render__SWIG_3(), _wrap_renderchannel(), _wrap_renderdata(), _wrap_renderresult(), _wrap_rm(), _wrap_rm__SWIG_0(), _wrap_rm__SWIG_1(), _wrap_rm__SWIG_2(), _wrap_rootof(), _wrap_setv(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_0(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_1(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_2(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_3(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_4(), _wrap_setv__SWIG_5(), _wrap_strictdigraph(), _wrap_strictgraph(), _wrap_tailof(), _wrap_tred(), _wrap_write(), _wrap_write__SWIG_0(), _wrap_write__SWIG_1(), cleanup(), country_graph_coloring(), gml_to_gv(), gml_to_gv(), gvdevice_initialize(), lua_tolstring(), mkGraph(), mkGraph(), popAlist(), pushAlist(), renewlist(), RGB2LAB(), safe_list_append(), SWIG_init(), SWIG_init_user(), SWIG_Lua_add_class_instance_details(), SWIG_Lua_add_class_static_details(), SWIG_Lua_add_class_user_metamethod(), SWIG_Lua_add_class_user_metamethods(), SWIG_Lua_add_namespace_classes(), SWIG_Lua_add_namespace_details(), SWIG_Lua_add_variable(), SWIG_Lua_AddMetatable(), SWIG_Lua_class_destruct(), SWIG_Lua_class_disown(), SWIG_Lua_class_do_get(), SWIG_Lua_class_do_get_item(), SWIG_Lua_class_do_set(), SWIG_Lua_class_equal(), SWIG_Lua_class_get(), SWIG_Lua_class_register(), SWIG_Lua_class_register_instance(), SWIG_Lua_class_register_static(), SWIG_Lua_class_set(), SWIG_Lua_class_tostring(), SWIG_Lua_ConvertPacked(), SWIG_Lua_ConvertPtr(), SWIG_Lua_create_class_registry(), SWIG_Lua_do_resolve_metamethod(), SWIG_Lua_dostring(), SWIG_Lua_elua_class_register_instance(), SWIG_Lua_get_class_metatable(), SWIG_Lua_get_class_registry(), SWIG_Lua_get_inheritable_metamethods(), SWIG_Lua_GetModule(), SWIG_lua_isnilstring(), SWIG_Lua_iterate_bases(), SWIG_Lua_MustGetPtr(), SWIG_Lua_namespace_get(), SWIG_Lua_namespace_register(), SWIG_Lua_namespace_set(), SWIG_Lua_NewPackedObj(), SWIG_Lua_NewPointerObj(), SWIG_Lua_populate_inheritable_metamethods(), SWIG_Lua_pusherrstring(), SWIG_Lua_pushferrstring(), SWIG_Lua_resolve_metamethod(), SWIG_Lua_set_immutable(), SWIG_Lua_SetModule(), SWIG_Lua_type(), SWIG_Lua_typename(), treeDup(), and zapinlist().

◆ liststk

gv_stack_t liststk

Definition at line 93 of file gmlparse.c.

Referenced by cleanup(), popAlist(), and pushAlist().

◆ N

gmlnode* N

Definition at line 90 of file gmlparse.c.

Referenced by cleanup().

◆ nodeDisc

Dtdisc_t nodeDisc
Initial value:
= {
.key = offsetof(gmlnode, attrlist),
.size = sizeof(Dt_t *),
.link = offsetof(gmlnode, link),
.freef = free_node,
static void free_node(void *node)
Definition gmlparse.c:98

Definition at line 126 of file gmlparse.c.

Referenced by pushG().

◆ yychar

int yychar

Definition at line 1443 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yycheck

const yytype_int8 yycheck[]
Initial value:
25, 0, 1, 31, 3, 29, 30, 35, 29, 30,
9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,
30, 8, 30, 30, 33, 60, 31, 31, 15, 16,
17, 29, 30, 31, 69, 22, 35, 35, 31, 31,
31, 29, 31, 29, 0, 3, 31, 82, 83, 31,
85, 3, 4, 5, 6, 35, 91, 9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 36, 29, 29,
32, 33, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
25, 26, 27, 28, 36, 35, 35, 32, 33, 29,
29, 36, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
27, 28, 24, 29, 29, 32, 33, 85, 69, 36,
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
27, 28, 67, 91, -1, 32, 33, 9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 59, -1, -1,
32, 33, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
27, 28, -1, -1, -1, -1, 33

Definition at line 937 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yydefact

const yytype_int8 yydefact[]
Initial value:
0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 33, 36, 42, 41, 43,
44, 45, 46, 31, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52,
53, 55, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 61,
63, 37, 38, 39, 40, 1, 5, 0, 35, 34,
8, 2, 0, 17, 23, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7,
10, 11, 12, 16, 32, 0, 0, 14, 15, 13,
6, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 22, 0, 0,
0, 0, 26, 30, 21, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29,
24, 25

Definition at line 878 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yydefgoto

const yytype_int8 yydefgoto[]
Initial value:
-1, 23, 67, 61, 68, 69, 70, 71, 75, 85,
86, 72, 76, 91, 92, 34, 59, 24, 25, 26

Definition at line 901 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yylval

YYSTYPE yylval

Definition at line 1446 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yynerrs

int yynerrs

Definition at line 1448 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yypact

const yytype_int16 yypact[]
Initial value:
1, -29, -24, 0, 2, 3, 5, 11, 11, 6,
17, 18, 19, 22, -21, -28, 11, 11, 21, 24,
25, 28, 12, 54, 52, 193, -29, -29, -29, -29,
-29, -29, -29, -29, -29, -29, -29, -29, -29, -29,
-29, -29, -29, -29, -29, -29, -29, -29, -29, -29,
-29, -29, -29, -29, -29, -29, -29, 30, -29, 193,
58, -29, 51, -29, -29, 59, 60, 30, 78, 58,
-29, -29, -29, -29, -29, 80, 81, -29, -29, -29,
-29, -29, 168, 143, 90, 113, -29, -29, 91, 114,
115, 85, -29, -29, -29, -29, -29, -29, -29, -29,
-29, -29

Definition at line 860 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yypgoto

const yytype_int16 yypgoto[]
Initial value:
-29, -29, 118, 105, -29, -29, 79, -29, -29, -29,
62, -29, -29, -29, 82, 23, -29, 138, -29, -25

Definition at line 894 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yyr1

const yytype_int8 yyr1[]
Initial value:
0, 37, 38, 38, 38, 39, 40, 41, 41, 42,
42, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 45, 44, 46,
46, 47, 47, 49, 48, 50, 50, 51, 51, 51,
51, 53, 52, 54, 54, 55, 55, 56, 56, 56,
56, 56, 56, 56, 56, 56, 56, 56, 56, 56,
56, 56, 56, 56, 56, 56, 56, 56, 56, 56,
56, 56, 56, 56

Definition at line 982 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yyr2

const yytype_int8 yyr2[]
Initial value:
0, 2, 3, 1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, 2,
1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 0, 5, 2,
1, 2, 1, 0, 5, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2,
1, 0, 4, 1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2, 2, 2, 2

Definition at line 994 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yystos

const yytype_int8 yystos[]
Initial value:
0, 1, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
27, 28, 33, 38, 54, 55, 56, 29, 30, 30,
30, 30, 31, 35, 52, 52, 31, 31, 31, 31,
29, 29, 30, 31, 52, 52, 52, 31, 29, 31,
31, 29, 30, 31, 52, 0, 3, 39, 56, 53,
35, 40, 54, 4, 5, 6, 32, 39, 41, 42,
43, 44, 48, 56, 36, 45, 49, 29, 29, 40,
36, 43, 35, 35, 32, 46, 47, 56, 7, 8,
32, 50, 51, 56, 29, 36, 47, 29, 29, 29,
36, 51

Definition at line 966 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yytable

const yytype_int8 yytable[]
Initial value:
58, -4, 1, 43, -34, 27, 28, 33, 41, 42,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
29, 35, 30, 31, 22, 73, 32, 36, 44, 45,
46, 51, 52, 53, 73, 54, 33, 33, 37, 38,
39, 40, 47, 48, 55, 56, 49, 87, 93, 50,
87, 56, 63, 64, 65, 60, 93, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 74, 77, 78,
66, 22, 88, 89, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
18, 19, 20, 21, 80, 82, 83, 90, 22, 94,
97, 100, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
20, 21, 57, 98, 99, 84, 22, 96, 81, 95,
88, 89, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
20, 21, 79, 101, 0, 90, 22, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 62, 0, 0,
84, 22, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
20, 21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22

Definition at line 910 of file gmlparse.c.

◆ yytranslate

const yytype_int8 yytranslate[]

Definition at line 773 of file gmlparse.c.