Memory allocation wrappers that exit on failure.
static void * gv_alloc(size_t size)
void agdtdisc(Agraph_t *g, Dict_t *dict, Dtdisc_t *disc)
int agmapnametoid(Agraph_t *g, int objtype, char *str, IDTYPE *result, bool createflag)
Agraph_t * agopen1(Agraph_t *g)
void agregister(Agraph_t *g, int objtype, void *obj)
Dtdisc_t Ag_subgraph_id_disc
#define AGID(obj)
returns the unique integer ID associated with the object
uint64_t IDTYPE
unique per main graph ID
Agraph_t * agparent(Agraph_t *g)
Agraph_t * agidsubg(Agraph_t *g, IDTYPE id)
Agraph_t * agfstsubg(Agraph_t *g)
Agraph_t * agnxtsubg(Agraph_t *subg)
Agraph_t * agsubg(Agraph_t *g, char *name, int cflag)
int agdelsubg(Agraph_t *g, Agraph_t *subg)
Agraph_t * root
subgraphs - ancestors
Dict_t * g_id
subgraphs - descendants
Agclos_t * clos
shared resources
static Agraph_t * agfindsubg_by_id(Agraph_t *g, IDTYPE id)
static Agraph_t * localsubg(Agraph_t *g, IDTYPE id)