Graphviz 13.0.0~dev.20250210.0415
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extern |
Definition at line 56 of file acyclic.c.
References dfs(), GD_comp, GD_nlist, ND_mark, and ND_next.
Referenced by dot1_rank(), and makeGraphData().
extern |
Definition at line 1148 of file mincross.c.
References agfstnode(), agfstout(), aghead, agnxtnode(), agnxtout(), agtail, free(), GD_maxrank, GD_minrank, GD_rank, gv_calloc(), ND_rank, and SWAP.
Referenced by expand_cluster(), and init_mincross().
extern |
Definition at line 1224 of file mincross.c.
References aghead, agroot(), agtail, CLUSTER, dot_root(), enqueue_neighbors(), exchange, GD_flip, GD_maxrank, GD_minrank, GD_nlist, GD_rank, install_cluster(), install_in_rank(), MARK, ncross(), ND_in, ND_next, ND_out, ND_prev, ND_ranktype, NULL, Root, and transpose().
Referenced by expand_cluster(), and mincross().
Definition at line 352 of file cluster.c.
References agfstnode(), agfstout(), aghead, agnxtnode(), agnxtout(), agtail, CL_CROSS, CLUSTER, ED_count, ED_xpenalty, GD_maxrank, GD_minrank, GD_rankleader, gv_calloc(), ND_clust, ND_out, ND_rank, ND_ranktype, ND_UF_size, NULL, prev, virtual_edge(), and virtual_node().
Referenced by class2().
extern |
Definition at line 305 of file mincross.c.
References agbindrec(), agclose(), aghead, agnnodes(), agnode(), agopen(), Agstrictdirected, agxbfree(), agxbprint(), agxbuse(), fixLabelOrder(), GD_maxrank, GD_minrank, GD_rank, rank_t::n, ND_alg, ND_hi, ND_lo, ND_np, ND_order, ND_out, NULL, SWAP, and rank_t::v.
Referenced by flat_edges().
extern |
Definition at line 62 of file class1.c.
References agfstnode(), agfstout(), aghead, agnxtnode(), agnxtout(), agtail, ED_to_virt, find_fast_edge(), interclust1(), mark_clusters(), merge_oneway(), ND_clust, nonconstraint_edge(), UF_find(), and virtual_edge().
Referenced by dot1_rank().
extern |
Definition at line 159 of file class2.c.
References agfstnode(), agfstout(), aghead, agnxtnode(), agnxtout(), agtail, build_skeleton(), Concentrate, dot_root(), ED_conc_opp_flag, ED_edge_type, ED_label, ED_to_virt, fast_node(), flat_edge(), free(), GD_clust, GD_comp, GD_n_cluster, GD_nlist, gv_alloc(), IGNORED, interclrep(), is_cluster_edge(), make_chain(), mark_clusters(), merge_chain(), merge_oneway(), mergeable(), ND_clust, ND_rank, ND_weight_class, NULL, other_edge(), ports_eq(), prev, and UF_find().
Referenced by expand_cluster(), and init_mincross().
extern |
Definition at line 114 of file decomp.c.
References agfstnode(), agnxtnode(), begin_component(), Cmark, end_component(), GD_comp, GD_rankleader, ND_clust, ND_mark, ND_rank, search_component(), and UF_find().
Referenced by dot1_rank(), and init_mincross().
extern |
Definition at line 108 of file fastgr.c.
References aghead, agtail, ND_in, ND_out, NULL, and zapinlist().
Referenced by free_virtual_edge_list(), map_path(), mergevirtual(), remove_rankleaders(), and reverse_edge().
Definition at line 189 of file fastgr.c.
References find_fast_node(), GD_nlist, ND_next, and ND_prev.
Referenced by merge_ranks(), mergevirtual(), remove_rankleaders(), and removeFill().
extern |
Definition at line 222 of file fastgr.c.
References aghead, agtail, ED_to_orig, ED_to_virt, ND_flat_in, ND_flat_out, NULL, and zapinlist().
Referenced by cleanup2(), flat_reorder(), and flat_search().
extern |
Definition at line 458 of file compound.c.
References agfstnode(), agfstout(), agnxtnode(), agnxtout(), dtclose(), makeCompoundEdge(), and mkClustMap().
Referenced by dotLayout().
extern |
Definition at line 203 of file conc.c.
References agerr(), AGPREV, bothdowncandidates(), bothupcandidates(), DOWN, downcandidate(), GD_clust, GD_maxrank, GD_minrank, GD_n_cluster, GD_rank, left, mergevirtual(), rebuild_vlists(), right, UP, and upcandidate().
Referenced by dot_position().
extern |
Definition at line 86 of file dotinit.c.
References agfstnode(), agfstout(), agnxtnode(), agnxtout(), dot_init_edge(), and dot_init_node().
Referenced by dotLayout(), and make_flat_adj_edges().
extern |
Definition at line 348 of file mincross.c.
References agfstnode(), agget(), agwarningf(), cleanup2(), GD_clust, GD_comp, GD_n_cluster, init_mccomp(), init_mincross(), mapbool(), mark_lowclusters(), merge2(), mincross(), mincross_clust(), NULL, and ReMincross.
Referenced by dotLayout(), and make_flat_adj_edges().
extern |
Definition at line 125 of file position.c.
References Concentrate, connectGraph(), create_aux_edges(), dot_concentrate(), expand_leaves(), flat_edges(), GD_nlist, mark_lowclusters(), nsiter2(), NULL, rank(), remove_aux_edges(), set_aspect(), set_xcoords(), and set_ycoords().
Referenced by dotLayout(), and make_flat_adj_edges().
extern |
Definition at line 449 of file rank.c.
References agget(), dot1_rank(), dot2_rank(), GD_flags, GD_maxrank, GD_minrank, mapbool(), NEW_RANK, and Verbose.
Referenced by dotLayout(), and make_flat_adj_edges().
extern |
Definition at line 506 of file dotinit.c.
References agroot(), and GD_dotroot.
Referenced by adjustRanks(), adjustSimple(), build_ranks(), checkFlatAdjacent(), class2(), clust_ht(), contain_clustnodes(), dot_compute_bb(), expand_ranksets(), find_clusters(), flat_edge(), flat_node(), flat_search(), init_mincross(), interclexp(), keepout_othernodes(), make_lrvn(), map_path(), merge_ranks(), mincross(), node_induce(), realFillRanks(), rebuild_vlists(), rec_reset_vlists(), and remove_rankleaders().
extern |
Definition at line 39 of file sameport.c.
References agattr(), AGEDGE, agfstedge(), agfstnode(), aghead, agnxtedge(), agnxtnode(), agtail, agxget(), E_samehead, E_sametail, id, NULL, sameedge(), and sameport().
Referenced by dotLayout(), and make_flat_adj_edges().
extern |
Definition at line 202 of file rank.c.
References agfstnode(), agnxtnode(), GD_leader, GD_maxrank, GD_minrank, ND_rank, and NULL.
Referenced by collapse_cluster(), and rebuild_vlists().
extern |
Definition at line 489 of file dotsplines.c.
References dot_splines_().
Referenced by dotLayout().
extern |
Definition at line 1292 of file mincross.c.
References aghead, agtail, MARK, ND_in, and ND_out.
Referenced by build_ranks(), and install_cluster().
extern |
Definition at line 290 of file cluster.c.
References allocate_ranks(), build_ranks(), class2(), GD_comp, GD_nlist, interclexp(), merge_ranks(), and remove_rankleaders().
Referenced by mincross_clust().
Definition at line 69 of file fastgr.c.
References aghead, agtail, elist_append, ND_in, and ND_out.
Referenced by expand_leaves(), make_aux_edge(), and virtual_edge().
Definition at line 175 of file fastgr.c.
References find_fast_node(), GD_nlist, ND_next, ND_prev, and NULL.
Referenced by class2(), merge_ranks(), and virtual_node().
Definition at line 41 of file fastgr.c.
References ffe(), ND_in, and ND_out.
Referenced by class1(), contain_clustnodes(), interclrep(), make_LR_constraints(), map_path(), and reverse_edge().
Definition at line 54 of file fastgr.c.
References ffe(), ND_flat_in, and ND_flat_out.
Referenced by do_ordering_node(), and interclexp().
Definition at line 215 of file fastgr.c.
References aghead, agtail, dot_root(), elist_append, GD_has_flat_edges, ND_flat_in, and ND_flat_out.
Referenced by class2(), do_ordering_node(), flat_rev(), and interclexp().
extern |
Definition at line 258 of file flat.c.
References abomination(), aghead, agtail, checkFlatAdjacent(), checkLabelOrder(), ED_adjacent, ED_dist, ED_label, ED_to_virt, flat_node(), GD_flip, GD_n_cluster, GD_nlist, GD_rank, le, MAX, ND_flat_in, ND_flat_out, ND_next, ND_other, ND_rank, rec_reset_vlists(), rec_save_vlists(), and reset().
Referenced by dot_position().
Definition at line 389 of file cluster.c.
References enqueue_neighbors(), GD_installed, GD_maxrank, GD_minrank, GD_rankleader, install_in_rank(), and ND_clust.
Referenced by build_ranks().
Definition at line 1176 of file mincross.c.
References agerrorf(), agnameof(), GD_maxrank, GD_minrank, GD_nlist, GD_rank, ND_next, ND_order, ND_rank, NULL, and Root.
Referenced by build_ranks(), and install_cluster().
extern |
Definition at line 460 of file rank.c.
References is_a_cluster().
Referenced by ordered_edges(), and rank_set_class().
Definition at line 176 of file position.c.
References aghead, AGINEDGE, AGOUTEDGE, agtail, AGTYPE, Agedge_s::base, Agobj_s::data, ED_minlen, ED_weight, fast_edge(), gv_alloc(), Agedgepair_s::in, largeMinlen(), len(), Agedgepair_s::out, and ROUND.
Referenced by compress_graph(), connectGraph(), contain_clustnodes(), contain_nodes(), contain_subclust(), interclust1(), keepout_othernodes(), make_edge_pairs(), make_LR_constraints(), make_lrvn(), and separate_subclust().
extern |
Definition at line 308 of file cluster.c.
References agdelete(), agfstnode(), agfstout(), aghead, agnameof(), agnxtnode(), agnxtout(), agwarningf(), CLUSTER, ED_to_virt, GD_clust, GD_leader, GD_n_cluster, ND_clust, ND_node_type, ND_out, ND_ranktype, NORMAL, NULL, UF_setname(), UF_singleton(), and VIRTUAL.
Referenced by class1(), and class2().
extern |
Definition at line 404 of file cluster.c.
References agfstnode(), agfstout(), aghead, agnxtnode(), agnxtout(), ED_to_virt, mark_lowcluster_basic(), ND_clust, ND_node_type, ND_out, NULL, and VIRTUAL.
Referenced by dot_mincross(), dot_position(), and dot_splines_().
Definition at line 134 of file class2.c.
References aghead, agtail, ED_count, ED_to_virt, ED_weight, ED_xpenalty, incr_width(), MAX, ND_out, ND_rank, and NULL.
Referenced by class2(), interclexp(), and interclrep().
Definition at line 289 of file fastgr.c.
References agwarningf(), basic_merge(), ED_to_virt, and NULL.
Referenced by class1(), class2(), flat_rev(), interclexp(), map_path(), mergevirtual(), and reverse_edge().
Definition at line 154 of file class2.c.
References aghead, agtail, ED_label, and ports_eq().
Referenced by class2(), and interclexp().
Definition at line 131 of file fastgr.c.
References aghead, AGINEDGE, AGOUTEDGE, AGSEQ, agtail, AGTYPE, Agedge_s::base, Agobj_s::data, ED_count, ED_edge_type, ED_head_port, ED_minlen, ED_tail_port, ED_to_orig, ED_to_virt, ED_weight, ED_xpenalty, gv_alloc(), Agedgepair_s::in, NULL, Agedgepair_s::out, and VIRTUAL.
Referenced by do_ordering_node(), flat_rev(), and virtual_edge().
extern |
extern |
Definition at line 115 of file fastgr.c.
References agtail, elist_append, and ND_other.
Referenced by class2(), and map_path().
Definition at line 132 of file dotsplines.c.
References port::defined, port::p, pointf_s::x, and pointf_s::y.
Referenced by bothdowncandidates(), bothupcandidates(), dot_splines_(), and edgecmp().
Definition at line 1008 of file position.c.
References ED_head_port, and ED_tail_port.
Referenced by class2(), expand_leaves(), map_path(), and mergeable().
extern |
Definition at line 373 of file rank.c.
References agget(), agnnodes(), GD_comp, GD_n_cluster, GD_nlist, rank(), and scale_clamp().
Referenced by dot1_rank().
extern |
Definition at line 943 of file mincross.c.
References dot_root(), furthestnode(), GD_clust, GD_maxrank, GD_minrank, GD_n_cluster, GD_rank, GD_rankleader, ND_order, and rec_reset_vlists().
Referenced by cleanup2(), flat_edges(), and rec_reset_vlists().
extern |
Definition at line 933 of file mincross.c.
References GD_clust, GD_n_cluster, rec_save_vlists(), and save_vlist().
Referenced by flat_edges(), and rec_save_vlists().
extern |
Definition at line 20 of file acyclic.c.
References aghead, agtail, delete_fast_edge(), find_fast_edge(), merge_oneway(), and virtual_edge().
Referenced by dfs(), and minmax_edges().
extern |
Definition at line 120 of file fastgr.c.
References agtail, ND_other, and safe_list_append().
Referenced by interclexp().
extern |
Definition at line 923 of file mincross.c.
References GD_maxrank, GD_minrank, GD_rank, and GD_rankleader.
Referenced by mincross_clust(), and rec_save_vlists().
Definition at line 170 of file fastgr.c.
References fast_edge(), and new_virtual_edge().
Referenced by build_skeleton(), class1(), flat_node(), make_chain(), map_path(), mergevirtual(), minmax_edges2(), and reverse_edge().
Definition at line 200 of file fastgr.c.
References AGNODE, agroot(), AGTYPE, alloc_elist, Agnode_s::base, Agobj_s::data, fast_node(), gv_alloc(), ND_ht, ND_in, ND_lw, ND_node_type, ND_out, ND_rw, ND_UF_size, Agnode_s::root, and VIRTUAL.
Referenced by build_skeleton(), clone_vn(), connectGraph(), interclust1(), label_vnode(), make_edge_pairs(), make_lrvn(), make_vn_slot(), and plain_vnode().
extern |
Definition at line 1763 of file mincross.c.
References agerrorf(), aghead, agtail, ED_weight, endpoint_class(), graphviz_exit(), and table.
Referenced by make_chain().
Definition at line 95 of file fastgr.c.
Referenced by delete_fast_edge(), delete_flat_edge(), and expand_leaves().